The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Tuesday, August 12, 1975 Over The Counter Stocks Commodities lank I isissiranse Stocks Options CHICAGO (API Futures trading on Chicago Board Options Exchange Popell Br NEW YORK (AP) The 51 2' 5 2 the Chicago Mercantile Exchange FrV doy: Pott Ind NEW YORK (API The tollowlng bid 24 22 20 2 21' 165 16 3 10 35 3 7 12' 147 3 and asked quotations with net change 12' 13' Knnai Drt Kerm Coh Kent Mre Keuff Ess Kewan Sc Key Data Keye Fib prey Open High Law ant Close LIVE B4HEF CATTLE (40JW0 lbs) II 5W 5- 6 22 23'. 7' 8W 9 W' z90 II 12 59 8 20 16 17V 69 24 25 from previous day's dosing rwt sup following bid and asked quotations, supplied by the National Association of Securities Dealers, aro not actual transactions nut are representative Inter-dealer prices at which Empire Gen EmpioyrCas Eqml Gen Cp 40 EqultLletowa .50 ExceKkx NY .60 Farm Home Lire FarmNewWL .14 Aug 46. 46.70 44.10 46.37 45.75 37 4 plied by the National Association of Securities Dealers, mc, are not actual transactions but are representative inter-dealer prices, at which these securities could have been purchased tasked) or Key CusF Oct 40 70 40.95 40 20 40.80 40 Dec 40.50 41.20 40.50 41.00 40.25 Feb 42 00 42.50 42.00 42 35 41 90 6 Pw Tt-st Powers Pratt Free Mot Presto Pr Prestn Tr Prime In Pmcl Ch Procs Sys Prochm Progrs PubS NC 7 5', these socurtties could have FarmersGrp 1 3 FideCp Va Apr 42.50 42.60 42.30 42 55 42.20 Jun 42.95 430)5 42.75 42.95 P42.55 1 2 103 sold (bid). Interdeeler markets change throughout the day. Prices do not Include 6' 4 1 2 7 9 5 6 3'-s 2 13 14 3 4 73 23 23 1 5 5' 1.

TV 9 14 12 131 45 8 8 I2V4 13 1 5 5 7 8' 3 9 10' 108 6 6 3 22 17W 10 3 4 7 8 II 4 8 6 4 li 10 3W wi 6W -1 7 2 1 11 11' 7Vj 4 36 54' 1 17' 3 6' 6 3 4 I 17 Sales: Aug 1840; Oct 2460; Dec 1338; retail markup, markdown or commission. 6 been purchased (asked) or sold (bid), krterdealer markets change throughout the day. Prices do not include retail markup, marttdown or commission. Salet supplied by NASU Feb 700; April 188, June 6. Sales suppled by NASD, Open Interest: Aim 6942; Oct W690; Dec 9 7 5 2 Pulaski 7021 Feb 5505; April 1111; June 764.

11 29 FEEDER CATTLE (42,000 1st) 4 10 3 3 7 2 5 14 4-v 1 II 7 20 10 6 2W 3 1 28 91 5W 30 4 16 Sales (hds) Bid 14 3 Z25 14 Grtr Jrsy Mam Bn Harr Bn Hertf NC Hawi Bnc Hawk Bn Hawth Bennet PulO Cap PutD Inc Quakr Ch Qual Inns ACMAT 26W 27 2 Aug 32.75 32 7 5 32.52 32 55 32 70 Sep 31 20 3130 31. 31.10 30 90 Oct 3060 30.80 30 0 30 70 WO 40 Nov 30.75 30.80 30.75 30.80 30.40 Mar 32.40 37.40 3340 32.40 32.40 1 3 4 56 1 2'A Ask 3 4 14 W' 2 IS 4 I 5 28 1' Quantor 10', 14 Hempt Sales: Aug 7, Sep 3: Oct 54; Nov Aft Bnc Ala Bncp Al Bncsh A Bncsh A BT Pa A Fletch A Sav Ln AST Wsh Aril Bnk Atlnt Bcp Banc Pop BanOhK) Bankam Bk Dot Bk Tokyo Bkr TrSC 4 91 5' 14' 5 17 28 FidetUnLite .8 FinlSe(irp 32 FstAmFIn .28 FstCotonvLfe 32 Fsecutlve Cp FstFederU J2 First United Inc Fortune Nat FoundalionFinl FounderFtnl Franklin Ute Gen Rolnsur .40 GeoWashgtn Cp Germanlns 33e GlobeLteAcc .20 GovEmpms J0p Govlfimplvin wt GovtEmpLfe .24 Gf Equity F'inl GtSouthnCp .52 Guaranty Nat Hamilton kit! Hanoverlns 30 6 29 March 1 3 Herlt Bnc Hltier Cp 21 15 1 4 18 W10 Queen Ca RU Cp RPM mc Rad Dyn Ragen Pr Rahall 11 3 10' 11' 12' Open Interest: Aug 58; Sep 129; Oct 1066, Nov 301; March 74. LIVE HOGS (30,000 lbs) "20 7 7 4 3 4W 3 3 3 31 19 70 42 146 3 7 5 W6 20' 217 6 69 23 4V 20 11V 4 11 Rainb 7 19 31', I 74' 7 -'6 1 4-1 9V 4 9Vi 1 30 5- 7 2 ew 3 Aug 5 50 S7.35 56.35 b57.35 55.95 Oct 50.25 50.97 50.25 502 49.90 Dec 5130 50.92 50. 50 0 49 A5 Feb 50.10 5085 50 (0 50.60 49.70 Apr 4705 47.90 47.05 4775 46.80 Jun 48,25 4875 4820 048.75 B47.9S 9 10' 3 8 3 53 37 250 13 14Va 4 4 25 24' IS 14V 11' 12 8 7 8' 14 18 11 II 24' 27' 9 10 19' 21' 24V 25V 12V 13 21 22 17 18 7 TV, 20 21 11V 12 4V 7 24' 27 28 29' 31 33 23' 24' 44 44 9 32V 34V 21 22' 24 25 3' 4' 19 20 21V 19' 21V Rainier Rangair Rnpidat Rapoca Raych CP 28 WW 10 23 256 261 65 12 91 5 Jul 48.50 49.20 48.50 49 00 a48.35 4 9 10 Raymnd AO Inc APS mc AWt Pap Acceier Aceto Ch Acme Grl Acushnf Ada Res Addlsn Adv Ros Adv Mem Adv Mkr Adven Cp Ag MET Agnlco AiaN Gat Alanthu Alask Alex Alex Alex Bald AJko mc Alk) Bev Allerg Ph AIM Tele Allyn Bac Altex 08 Alton Box Amerex Amb Gp A Appra Am Blom Aug 4700 4775 47.00 47.25 046.65 13 19 20 3 10 2 4 4 6 12 13 6 7 13 16 17 7 7 4 14 15V 4 RltMtd Keyt mt Key OTC Key PrtC Knap Vog Knudsn Koger Koss Cp Kralos Kruoger Kuhlmn Kulic Soft LMF Cp LTV wt LaZ Boy Ladd Stl Lafy Uni Lake Spr Lancast Lance In Lane Co Larsen Lawrys Lawson Lawt Oi Lear Pet Leew MF Legg Plat Levings Lexltron Liberia Ir Libert Ho Ul ChFd Limit Sh-Un Beast Line T8.T Lindbrg Lifronix Locttte Logicon LonS Brw Lngv Fib Loomls LaLd OfB LouGE pf Lowes Co Lynd Tr MAT mv MB Asso MO Com mfy md MGF OH MSI Data MacOer Sales: Aug J7V Oct 1055; uec MM 307 9 4 4 6 Reeog Eq 13 14 Feb 535; April 164, June 50; July 22; Aug 2. 12 1 8V 34 1 7' 9 1 4 2 Rodactn Redkn Lb 11 11 2 2 3' 7 15' 51 32 321 49 18 18 14 7 8 45 1 2 28 15 15 Open Interest: Aug 2517; Oct 4127; Dec 150 405; Feb 4107; April W3S; June 424; July Regal Bel Dmm Bksof la Bksh md Bncsh NJ Barnt Bk Baystat Boat Bnc 03T Cp CP FM Cent cmn Can Sou Can Jers CenBk Sy CenN Bn Cent 0 Cent Rlcri Centren Chrt Bnk Otzn Fid 2W 2 51 6i HarttStmfllr 1.88 Home Benef I IrKtppLibty Lte IndepLfeAcc .5 mdieneGrp 50 Intercnlt FW Inferfind .28 InhUfeHoldlng tnterstateCp .20 InvesrGrnty Lte InvHerltKy Invshns Am 13 13 13 8 12W 13 155 19 20 2 9 9 15 4V 4' 40 24 24 7 8 Ref Univ 18 19 6 27 7 8 2 11 12 23V 24 4 4 Hor Bp Hosptt Tr Huntg Bn Ind Nat rndVe Ph UTCO LndB Fla Line 1st Lin 1st pf MfrB LA MfrsN Cp Meme Cp Marsh ts Mary Nat Melon Ntl Merc Bk Merc pf Merc Nat Mar Bncp Mich Nit Midi Bks Midtnt pf MtnSks NCNB CP Natl Ga Nat Cent NQty CP ComNJ Sav Cp SB EHz Nev NE MBoS Nortr OH Noest Bn NCal SL Nrwst Oh Resh md ResO Min Revet Rex Plast Rex PreP 7 8 3 9 i 2 7W 4W 8W 85 44' 45-j 27 15 15'.

175 1 1 I 13 137 9 i 60 14 i-15 33 20V9 20 4 16 i7 12 '17 1 6 161 171,4 i 18 WW -H4V 5 6 6' I 10 8 8W 7', 3 45 "27 rtO 7 10 8' 9 JeflrsnNalLt .28 44 12 Rey Rey 4 5V 13 17 17 4 14 8' 10 2 4 25 ZS3 12' 29 5 13' 88 27 1 55 13' 14 15 4 6 11 11 5W 6 25 11 12 5 3 4 24 8 8 z38 119 124 4 5 78 5 6W 4 21 22V 32 36 37 1S 1 22 23 19 20' 9 10 15 1 18 19V 7 8 33' 34 14 17V 10 11' 17 17 14 15 41 2 3V V4 14 15V 17 2M 24V 4 5V 23V 25' I lv 12 24' 25 25V4 2V4 32V 34V 11' 19' 20V 10 11V 10 4 4 7 9 Tvj 9V 17V 18 18 19' 5 24V 24V 14 15. 4 4 12' 38 39 17 ISVjK 13' 14Vk 19 18' 19 13 14 14 21V 221 29V 31V 18' 20' 43V 44V II 12V 5V 6' 19' 21 7 7 22 23V I3VJ 14V 24 25' 17 9 9 17V 18 24V4 25V 17 7 8V 17 39 40V 25V 2 11 II 20 21V 15' 14V 5Vk 5 20V 22 I 4 2 7V 9 7 5 8 9 721 9 4 4H Am Bldg Rlchs Co Ridg Ent Rlnqrnd Rival Mt Road Ex Robin 11 15V 15 29 1 5 1 CitiSo Cp CltSth Ga Oty Netl OevTrs Col Bncp Colo Nat 17 18' 44 44 Am fcxpt 1 Am Exp 854 35 35 2 8 8' KansCmLre 1.20 KerrwerCorp KyCentt fe .20 LamarLife 40 UbrtvNatLfe Ute Am Bost Lite Ins Ga .68 Lite Invmc .08 Ufesurence Cp UndncLf 40a La Sou Life LoyalAm Lfelns A Flttron Robrts Di 15 23 14 2 84 10 11 13 14 4W 4 2 3 76 11 11V 32 3 3 Am Fml Am Food 20 3 3 9 4 3 37 7 71 3 2 366; Aug 27. IDAHO POTATOES (80,000 lbs) Nov n7 50 1)7 50 May 907 907 9J7 907 9.85 Sales: Nov ft May 1. Open Interest: Nov May 92. SHELL EGGS (7X500 dot) Aug 48.00 48.

48.00 48.10 4775 Sep 52 50 53.30 5250 5310 05295 Oct 5340 53.70 53.40 853.40 53.80 Nov 54.00 56.65 56.00 046.45 54. 10 Dec U5 61.20 60O5 610S 40.85 Jan 585 58 5 58.65 585 b58.00 Feb n5530 n55.30 Sales: Aug Sep 349; Oct 12; Nov Dec 82; Jan l.feb 0. Open Interest: Aug 42; Sep 1740; Oct 225; Nov 447; Dec 1013; Jan 127; Aug 14. PORK BELLIES (34,000 lbs) Aug 0 100.60 10060 10040 b99.M Feb 84.10 85.70 86.10 WW 60 Mar 84.00 84.40 83.80 8440 90 May 82.45 82 95 82.25 b82.95 8142 Jul 80.50 81.50 8050 81.50 80.00 Aug 7835 7905 78.55 b7905 b77.75 Sates: Aug 32; Feb 931; March 194; May 204; July 165; Aug 15 Open Interest: Aug 1482; Feb 4325; March 1492; May 2294; Juty 1183; Aug 37. Bid; e-Asked; Nominal.

dosing Board of Trade Table CHICAGO (AP) Futures trading on Roekt Rodac Cp Rolln BH Rom Am Rosem 9 W'4 23 24 4 5 8' 9 4 4 13V 14' 22 23 34' 35 23 25 10V 11 38 39V 173 1B 22 21 22 2 17 18 35 20 21 II' 12 14 I6V1 14 .17 I 49 73 9 9 5 4 6 7' 9 W- 21 22W 9. 10 12' 13 3 3' 5 5 87 ManchLfeCas Am Fum Am Greof A Micro Am Nut Am Quas Am Telec Am Teiev Am Weld 6 11 12 Rotron 7 23 81 ManhatLfln 54 14 15 49 6 Cal Wat 7 11W II SCon Gas 4 19 19 Sou md 40 13W So Natl Z9 17 18 Slhn Un 24 28 29W Soiifhl Eq 1 1 SoutrH Pa 4 18 18 Swst Aid 6 6 6 SwGs Cp 9 9 SwPet Ol 11 7 7 Sowst Le 2 2i 2 Spacelb 4 5 6 Spart Fds 11 11 Sped Ph 91 15W 16 Spctrt Dy 7 7 Spectm z50 4 5 Spekkd 10 16 17 Sta Rite 3 8 8 Slandyn 38 12W 13 Sid Regis 33 1 16 Stand me 47 5 5 Stan HPd 11 Steak Ale 131 16 16 Steak St 12 10 10 Slearn Ml 4 7 Slewf mf 5 6 Slewf San z97 4 4 Story Oi 18 7W 8 Stratf Tx 1 2 Strawb 3 23 24 Sturm Ru 8 10 II Subaru 23 1 Sue Ann z30 6 6 Suflair 15 15 Sumlt En 134 SupllteO 1 4W Sunslr Fd 13 4 4i Super El 5 5 Supr Eq 20 4 5 Survl Tec 3 8 9 Swedhv 41 5 5 Sycor mc 5 11 12 Synercn 2 8 9W Syra Sup 15 16 TBar mc r50 5 5 TIME DC 5 6 Tab Prd 6 7 Taco Bell 492 13V 14 Tally Cp 25 3W 3 Tampax 358 30 31 Taytr Rnt 10 15W 14W Taylr Wl 29 16 16 Techcre 49 16 16 Tecum ISO 30 32 Tejas 14 4 5W Tele Com 7 3' 3 Telec Ind 5 4W 7 Telocret 27 5W 5 Telemed 7W 7 Telesd 11 4 5 Tennant 2 27 29 Tennc Oft 71 7 8 Tenn NG 5 7 8 Terra Re 7 12 13W Texlnt A z35 1 2W Text Pd 8 2 3 Thalhim 1 11 12 Therm 12 12W 12 Threshd 5 11 12W Tifny Co .13 7 7 Tlprary 31 4 6 Tolley mt 4 7 Ton Oil 12 2W 2 Topps Tr 8 8 Toro Co 14 10 11 Toth Aki 12 4 5W Tower Pd 3W 3 Towle 1 7 8 Trnctt Oil 28 2W 2 Transo zS 10 11 Tremco ZI0 7 8' Trl Chem 28 17 Trltn OG 4 2 2 TwmCty 4 7 Twin Dis 18 23 24 Tymshr 87 14 17' Tyson 19 II 11 UA co*ki 10 8 9 UB Fml 8 7 8 UTL Cp 17 3 3 Uni Capit 2 2 Unrfl mc 28 8 8 UnEI Stl 14 17 Un Plant 4 11 UnSpl CP 3 1314 UnArf Th 1 17 13 UnCabt 24 2 3 Un McGH 27 9 10 US Bnknt 6 4 4 US Sug 55 57 US Surg 13 4W 4 US TrkLn 5 12 13W Unirog Co 1 25' 24W Univ Fds 33 16 17W Unv Inst 13 10 11 Univ Sec 3 3 Univ Pat 30 7 8W Up Pen 16 17W Ups Dwn 5 11 12 Utlls mds 2 7 9 VaH Asoc 5 4 7W VaKytab 2 10 11 Vaimnt 44 10 VanD Air 8 9 Van Dyk 59 10 11 Van Shak 30 3 4 Vance ISO 2 3 Vanier 4 5V Varco mt 78 14 14 Vaughn 3 19 21 Velcro 58 4 4 Veto Bind Ventron Vlctra St Vlkg Vlpont Oi Va Intl Visual Gr Vlsul Sd Volum Sh Volun Ca WD 40 Co Wnlbro Walls md Wait Jim Wangeo Warn El Wash Grp Wsh NG Wash Sd Waste Re Water As Wau Pap Wavetk Waxm Wthfd mt Webb Co Webb Re Weeden Weight Weiing Wettch Wehbch West Co Westct- Pt Wstn Dig Wstn Gr WKy Gs WnMar Wstn Mtg WnP FinT Westmd Wett mc White Shi Wlen Ar Wiener Wiry Son Wilmtf Wms WW Wilson Wincorp Wlnns Str Winter Wmt PkT Wise Cen Wise PL Wlsr Oil Wlx Cp Wolhn Lb Worv Pen Wodhd Wdwrd Wrth Bio Worth Wright Wyo Nat Xomox Yellow Younkr Zen Labs ZionUt ZoH Dan AExpt 93 Afhl 5.71s IndHd 5 LaLdO 5s Marl 4s Mod 8Vj94 PnzlLa 79 Pnzl 6s Rtty 6s TenOff 80 Angto SA Anglo Al Bayer Blyv GM Bow Ltd BrH ADR Buffel Burma Canon De Beer Ftsons Free SM Fuji Phot Glaxo HL Gold Fids Hitachi Honda Kansa Kirm Br Kloof GM Mm Res Mitsui Co Nissn Overs Paiabor Philip Gl Polgrst Pros GM PresS AD Rank Cry StHel Gd Telef Mx Toklo Toyota Union Cp Vaal Ree Wlkm Wst Drlef WstO Lev Wn Hold 4V 4 5W 8 3' 5 7B 3W 3 Com Bnc ComT NJ ConnF Sv ConB Bpt Con Norr Daup Dep Dep Guar DetHk Cp Dom Bks EMs Bkg Eoot bop Equt Fldelcr I FvJel AB Ftlth Thl 7 5 5 9 4 4 12 I 7 5 4W Macks St Macrod 5' 4 7 OktStn Cp 12V Rouse Rowe Roy Castl Royster Rucker Rus Stov 4 8 7 Bk 3 4V 11V 150 9 10 48 2 3)1 3 16V 18V 1 2 3 12 Madisn 15W 14W 1 4 2 7' 7 TV 1 5 3 SV 8V 4 9 8 1 9 9 2' 8' 13 3 3 9 Amtcor Amoskg Ammest 3 Magic Magm Magma Rykof SE 2'n 18 12 17 9' 5 38 55' 1 18 4 7' 7 3 6 5 2i 18i 150 -2 3 9 10 20 6V 24 8 12 4V 2 9 35 19' 1 7 2' 4 3V 4 15 9 2 II' 24 13' 6' 14 23 2' 13 3 8 3i 8W 1 6 4 5 9 9 in 9 1 9 tOV 3 8 3V 3 5 3 4 34 fa 51 12i 2 15i 35 ZZ 24 1 I 7 1' 11 3' 41J 3 12 16 25 1 11'. 4 29' 28' 7 5' 71 i 9 8 4" WV 25V 8 4 4 2 9 3 19' 3V 15 4 4 3 7 8 2 14 9 2' 5 2 Anacmp MassGen Lie McMillenCp .32 MercuryGen .40 MidwstNat Ohio MIdwstUnLf Me MlnnTltteFinl 42 ModrnSecL Monarch Cap .74 MonumentCp 48 MotaAmlns .14 MutSavLte 40a NNCorp 1.20 NatUleFIa ie 9 4 5 8 9V 14 30 3 3 7 1 18 27 28 701 35' 3 2 20 22 2 7 9W 1 17 18 1 26 28 Magm Anadlte Analog Ryland Cp St Lou SH 1 lttAia Bk 5 14 80 125 52 1 9 20 1 15 5 17 4 3 1 46 3 I I Ands Ind 47 47 14 15 23 24 9 9 19V4 20W 4W 6 6 7 6 7 9 W'4 18 20 3 4 SanFer 158 13 215 14 Ands Jac Anheut Santa Ol 17 18' 1st Amtn Itt Merc 1st Bnc ItlBn Ala 90 27 23 Saslow i Ante Cp the Chicago Board of Trade Monday: 7 56 60 42 2V 3 326 34 34 4 4 22 21 22 19 10 WV 10 5 Sevan Fd 1 10 NalCWLine .24 Apexco Apld Dk) lstfjk Fla 7 8W prtv Open High Law Close Close WHEAT bu) Sep 382' 384 3.81V 303 3J4 2W Apd Mat 17 14 9 13 Saxln Pr Scan Dat Scherer SchoH mc Schulm A Z65 ZOO 27 5 33 10 2 17 2 4 9 2V 2 9 Dec 4.03 403 3.97 399 4.02 8 5 5 9 4 5 10 14 7 9 Arabn Sh Ard May Argo Pet AriWIG 7 PanA Bn Phita Nat Pitt NB Prov Nat ProvN pf Rainr Bn Rep Tex Rkjg Wsh Seaflril Sec NYS Sec Pat Shaw Cp Society Sou Care SCal IstN Swest Bk Swett Gr StaSt Bos Subur Be Sumrto SunB Fla Tenn Vet TxAm Bn Thrd Nat Trust Ga Un NPItl UnTr Bnc UnBk Col UnBk NY UnCaro IttBk SC 1st Bk Sy IstC Tex 1st Com! 1st Conn IstEmp IstF Fla IstGId 1st Hawal 9' 5V 4 24' 27 29' 30 21' 22 21V 23V 24 24 28V 29 30 31 25' 24V 13' 14' 17V 17V 30 31' 23' 24 IS 14 14 17 14 14' 2 3' 25' 24' 17 17 14 IS 7 7 15 15 14' 17' 16' 17 23 24 22V 23 19V 21 15 15 17V 18V 15 14' 21V 22' Scope 14 20 71 7 43 1V I 4 4 Mar 414 414' 4.08 410 413 May 417 4.17 4.11 413 4.15 Jul 398 398 3.94 394 198 CORN (5,400 bu) Sep 3.08 1081 304V 106' 308 7 2 4 ArlenPr I Arro Aut 3 1 1 27 "24 32 2 1 1 9 5' 10 2 85 6 tt 25 4' 11 2' 7 15 141 2 54 3413 20 26 4 I 6 scotti cm Scott mn Scott Ul Scripps Sea Pines IOW OT. rrt fc 58 1 63 290 95 W2 8 4150 82 83V4f 2800 183 188 56 M'4 320 W4 W7 4 95 vS 57 51 58 44 453 83 II 'lH 8 9W 44 25W 25 189 14 14'm 43 4 4' 4 12 6 7 5 61 4 5' 20 21 Dec 100'. 100V 2.94 2.97 2.99V Art Way Arvtda Aspen Ski AsCC Bof 1 2 11' 12 115 7 "5 Mar 107 309 105 104V 109 111 113 11 17 18 31 7 8 83 4 4 14 84' 35W 17 8 9 7 1 I 30 4 4 4 9 WW 41 II 12W Sea Wrld 14 15V 1st Jar 1st bnc 1st MdBn lttN Bcp 109 111 8 9 12 7 7 Asso Host May 3.11V) 112 Jul 112 113 OATS (5,090 bu) Sep 158' 141 20 12 1314 II 2 111 113V 141 141' 143 144 190 2 34 lstN SJse 17 h.

1.58 Sealed Ar Seawy Fd Seebrg A Seis Deft Seneca Sensor 44 1 2 24 14' 14 Dec U3 1-641 142 Mar 1.63 145 143 3 3 2 3 3W 3 1 10 121 49 8 9 144 145 "is 12V 13 Z30 53 May 143' 144' 1.43V 144V 146 14 I 8 2 2 2W 7 3 IstN Cm IstNH Ga IstNH Bk 1st OklaB IstSec SL HI Term 118 39 39V ll'z Sentry SOYBEANS (5,000 bu) 9 10 3 4 3 71 20 10' Aug 277 34 34 20V 21V 10 10 2 2 1 17V 22V 24' lv 17' 23 24V 13 VIV 14 32 33' 7 7 8 9' 11' II 34 34 15 1 I 1 6 9 7' 8' 10 4 5V 37 38 409 6.08 4.08 4.12 19 20' UnMoB 597 599 404 5 4 Maj Rtly: MaWu-t Mgt Assls Manltw Mann Gt Map! mc Marc Cp Mar Co Marlon MarH Frf Mark Pd Marth Marvn Jo Mary Ka Maui LP May Pet McCor McDow McGrg McMom McQuay Meosur Medcm Med Cpfr Med Am Medtm Meen OH Merch Merch Nt Mervyn Metpalh Meyer Micro Mk Microdt Mlcrofo Micron Micro Se Mid Am MktCen MkfTx CS Mktw Dis Mktw Fid Mktw Gt Mill HS Millipr Mine Satt Miner Mm Eng Minn Fab Minn Gas Miss VI Mr Steak MrsS Pie IsfTex Svc Mer Svcmstr Seven Shattor US Bncrp 21 21 9 9 2 2 4'e 4 3 4V 9V 10' 8 8 7 BV 31 26 27 14 4 7 609 594 4.09 5.97 4.14 6.00 4.22V 4.08 4.32 4.14 4.40 4-23 US NT 20 21 2 5 2' 16 12' 15 3 23V W9 3 55 28 53 28 7 4.15 4.25 4.33 4.43 Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul 22 15 15 120 18 19 315 28 29 21 II IstUn Cp lstun mc IttU Bnc 414 6.72 6 JO 4.38 441 408 4.18 423 2 5W 1 3 19 9 5 4 9 Sheldahl 43 44' 166 39 40 34 24 If; 9' 9s Ml 13 14 3 3V 28 29-j in IttWn 16V 14 15 46 24 15 28 4 4.41 4.24V 4.24' 4.47 4.40V 4.27 4.27 4.47 637 Aug 2 3 46 18 18 4 7 Ten Be UVa Bks Van Bncp Val Artz VaN Bnk Wsh Bncs Wilm Tr Wore Bn 4 4 14 18 19 15 V' 15 Wi 17 34V 36' 1 17V 5 5 31 SOYBEAN OIL (40408 Un) 4 2 Flag Bks Fla Com RaN Fla GnOh SL Girard 3 8 r8 z85 3W 4 NotfiesrvLf JOa NatSecurlns NafWestn Lf Nationwide A .25 NationwdeLf New Jersey Life North Cent Noreast Hart .88 NorNatLfe NowstNafLte J5 Occident Lt Oh Casualty 1.32 OktReomt 70a PacStd Ute Peerlesslns .50 Penn Lite PhUatJte JOr PiedmtMan PreterdRisk Pres Lite ProtedlveLre .60 ProvLfeND Prov Lie Acc ReWableUte 0 Repub Nat LKe Safeco Cp 1 SIPeulCos ,72 SecurAmLte J5r SecurCorm Lte SecurLteAcc .40 SecurLleGa SoCarolns .40 SouUnAla SoutNandFin 30 SouthwstrnLife 1 SovereignCp JKe StdUtemdna .25 StdSec LHe Sletesm Grp Sv rety Fml .07 TimeHold!) .50 TransprtLtt Unicoa UnltAmer Life UnifFireCat UnltFlrems JO UnitLbrtyLt J5c UnltSav Life UnltSvcLife .40 Variable Annut Vko Corp WestnCasSur .68 WestnStaLle Ha Windsor Lte WrttSvcLle Zenith Nat kit Zenith United 30 4 4 4 2 31 112 M5 25 4 23V 24' 4 5 2 3W 7 4V 4 8 140 2 1 4 5 2 3 7 4 27 28 11 12 15 14 4 49 14W 14 15Vj 104 MV 9t ,9 Aug 29.30 29.50 2845 2895 29.70 Sep 28 20 28 50 27.58 27.58 28.50 Oct 27.30 27.50 2440 26.60 27.50 Dec 2645 24.45 2540 25.65 24.50 Jan 25.90 26.00 25.18 25.20 24.05 Mar 2540 25.45 24.80 2400 25.75 May 25.30 25.30 2470 24.70 25.90 Jul 24J0 24.90 24.20 24.20 25.20 5' 6' price -Aifj- -Nov- -f no- Qose 18 'a EP IS 3 4 am Hoi 30 1 r-H 30 Am -Hot 35 Hi a a 30 8ixter 45 l- I 13-16 37 Barter 50 1-W IW 37 Baxter 40 2 3 37W Ftik Dk 34 1 IW 27 BiR Dk 40 a a 27 BK Dk 25 3 4 27' Hlk Dk JO 6 17-1 2 27 Boeing 25 ZW 3 23 Boeing 30 1-V6 15-1114-14 23" CBS 50 a 3'k 47 Cmw Ed ...25 a 1 2 26 Cmw Ed 1-1 26 Cee 90 1-1 2V 3' 78 co*ke 100 a 1' 78 co*ke .....70 10" 12 78 co*ke 80 4 7 78 Cotqaf 30 Hi 28 Cotgat 35 .81 28 Cowat 25 4 a 28 Gen Fd 25 1 I 23 Gen Fd a 3-14 23 Hewlet 100 4 KM 14 W4 Mewtet 120 3 6 KM HonwD 30 28 Honwd 35 1-14 17-1 2W 28 Honwtl .......40 1-14 11 1 1' 28' Warn 20 2 3 4 25 Mam 25 1' 1 22 Watt 35 2 4' 55 37 valt 40 1115-1 3W 37 Walt 1 37 Mob. 45 5m 2 3' 44 Modi 50 VI 1 441 Rymds 50 4' a 54' Rvnkts ftO a 19-14 2 54 Skytin. 20 "a 13-W19-I 15' Skylin 25 1-14 11-14 15 Skylin 15 a 2 2 15' Skjmb 80 1 5 7 79' Smmb 90 JW 4 79 St md 45 I 1VI 3 4 44' St Ind 50 1 2 46V Tx 30 l' 3 4 31 Tx GH 35 1 2 31 Utah i0 3 4 a 43 Utah 70 I-1 2 a 43 Oct- -Jan- -Apr-Alcoa 35 12 47 Alcoa 40 8 8 47 Alcoa 45 4 a a 47 Aicoa 50 15-1 3 a 47 Arn Tel 45 3 4 4 48 Am Tel 50 1 13-1 2 48 Atl 80 77 107 At 14 4 W2 Ad WO 7 a WVi Avon 30 lOVS 41'4 Avon J5 7 41 Avon 40 4' 5'A 41' Avon 5 2 3J4 4' 4m Avon 50 15-14 2 1-14 3 4t' Betti 30 ii 35-Hi Bern 35 1M 3W 35- Beth 40 1 1-14 1 9-14 35- Brum 1 15-14 2' 29-14 ll'A 'Brunt 15 i 1V I1 Cltlcp 30 4i a a 33 CHkfl 35 I5 JVi JMj 33 CltlcJJ 40 Vi a 33 Delta 25 Delta 30 4 32' Delta 35 3i 32W Delta 40 It i Dow Oi 70 21W 91 Oow Oi 80 12 14 a 1 Dow Oi 90 5'1 7 9 91 Kd 70 23' 93 Eat Hd 80 3 Eat ltd 90 I21 93- Eat Kd 100 1 SK 8' 93 Exxon 70 84 Exxon 80 9v 10 84 Exxon 90 1 5' 84 15 HI 5-14 1 13-1 14 20 14' Ford 35 i'v 4 4 39' Ford 40 2' 3' 4' 3Wt 35 14 50 40 10v 50 45 4M 7M( 50 M. 50 2' 4V 5' 50 Gen El 35 9 UM Gen El 40 5-. 44i Gen El 45 4 5 Gen El 50 1 5-14 2 44 Gt Wn 25 134 38 Glf Wn 30 9Vi Git Wn 35 54 7 38- Gtf Wn 40 2 4' 5W 38- Gt Wit IS 1W 1 13' Gt Wst 20 Vj 13'i Halbtn 140 24 144W Halbm 10 I2VJ WW a 144'A Halbtn 180 4a 15 14' Moms 40 5 43' Hormt.

45 213-14 5 43' Momstk 50 1 31 5 43' IBM. 140 8W 183' 1 180 13' 20 25. 183V I 200 4 111 141 183V I 220 2V. 5 1B3V I A 30 4Vt a 33i I A 35 129-14 a 33- I A 40 1 1-14 a 33- ITT 15 JV 20 I 20 It. 2 3 2011 ITT 25 II' 20' Har 20 ia 25' Har 25 lj 2' 25' In Har 30 15-1 1 25V Mm 35 4 5 43 38' Mm .40 2' 3 38 Mm 45 a 38v Pap 15' 55S Pap 45 11 If a 55 Pap 50 7V 89 55 John 90 4 a 88 John 100 1 1-14 3' 44 88 Mnn 30 4 33 ICenn 35 1 3' 3 33.

Mm 40 1 2 33 Kerr 40 25V 83' Kerr 70 15' 83' Kerr 80 TM 9 a 83Va Kerr 90 2 7 83' Kretoa 20 2 kreioe 25 1 Kresoe 30 1 1V14 2 39 28 Kresge 35 1' 7 28 Loews 15 21 Loewt 20 2 3 21 Loews ,25 11-14 123-1 21 MMM45 55 MM-M50 7 8W 55 SS 3" 55 MMM0 1 3 5 55 70 5-14 17-1 55 Mc Don 30 17 48 Mc Don 35 13 48 Mc Don 40 9' 48 Mc Don 45 5 4 8 48 Mc Don 50 3' 5 4 48 Mc Don 40 15-14 2' 3V 48 Merc 60 10'4 71 Merck 70 5 7 I 71 Merck 80 lv 3' 71 Morwan 45 24 71 Moman 50 Y) 71 Montan 40 12 12 71 Monsen 70 4V 4i 7W 71 Nw Air 15 5 19 Nw Air .20 11V14 211-1 3 19 Nw Air .....25 7-14 15-14 19-14 19 Pra 15 4V 21 Pw 20 2 2 3V 21 Pnz 25 9-14 1 1-14 1 21 Polar 15 19 34 Potar 30 14' 34 Polar 25 10 34 Polar 30 7 8 34 Polar 35 4 4 8 34 Polar 40 2 11-1 3' 5 34 RCA 10 7 17 RCA IS 3V 4 4' T7 RCA 20 13-14 17-14 2 17 Seert 50 11' 41' Seert 40 4 4' 71 41V Seert 70 1 2 3 41' Sperry' 30 It' 41 Sparry J5 7 41 Sperry 40 3 5 ft 41 Sperry- 45 1' 2 3' 41 Sperry" 50 1 41 Syntetf' 30 5 4V 7v 34 Syntex'' 35 2 1V14 4 5' 34 Syntex 40 1' 2 7-16 J' 34 Syntax .45 1' 34 Tesoro 15 2 2' 3vj 14' Tesoro 20 13-14 l'a 141 In 70 27 94 Tex In 80 17 9 Tex 90 11 a a 94 Tex M0 12 94 Tex 120 3V a 94 Upjohn 30 5V 4' 7 33 Upjohn 35 2' 3 4 33 Upiohn 40 15-14 2 1-14 2 33 UpBhn 45 7-1 33 Weyerh 30 7 37 Weyerh 35 3i a a 37 Weyerh 40 l' 2 a Xerox 60 5 8 40' Xerox 70 .2 1-1 4 40' Xerox 80 2' 40'. Xerox 90 Hi t3-14 60' Total volume 48,783 Open interest 770,354 a Mot traded, None ottered. 3W 2 5 13 2 3 9 10 Sales Bid 10 I' 51 4 11 13 13 5V 7 Sfiiprs Shoneys Shop Go Shrwd Cp Siegel HI Sigma Al Sigrrtor A Siftconx Sitv King Simps Skyim OH Snap Tls JotKlSt Sc Somes Sonoc Pr Prt Soundsc Sourc Ca iSorcCa pf Sou Airw Srhn Bnc 4 9 14 I 3 4W 7 8' 13 14W 8 9 8 9411,9 97 32 fr'S, KlO 22 '22' 840 2r2 46 39 3 13 7 83 84 Mita vdA 7 13 14 1 8 8 146 27 28 10 II 18 20 2440 2440 23.85 2185 24.85 Aug 4 6 9 SOYBEAN MEAL (108 tons) 17 19 50 48 20 21 2 4 3 7 2' 4 3 8 2 8 9i 4 3 19V 9' 18 31 17 185 5 10 52 5 zSO 14 8 10 55 71 7 4 44V 4 5 7 41' 4 4', 6V1 11 3W 3 3 4 8 8 2' 2 79 38 40 5W 21 21 24 4 45 1 17V 18 8 9 17 18 13 14 27 8 1 3 53 174 25 14 3V 2 4Vtj 4 7 I 1 8 98 3 HV 2 14 41 4 2V 4 71 4 8 2 1 40 14V 1 aw. 1 4 20 1 131 1 3 3 32 57 58' a 91 24 25 74.. 45 45 18V 19 52' 1 1 1 11 12' IS 34 3 14 10 11 71 31 Z25 2 62 2 1 Ups And Downs 41 2 WW 10 10 11 485 14 10V 0 132.50 13100 131.

132.50134.00 Sep 137 OO 13800 134. 13 50 139.00 Oct 140.00 140.00 138.50 139J0 140 50 Dec 14150 14480 143.00 143.70 14550 Jon 147.00 147.50 V45.50 146.50 148.50 Mar 152.00 152.00 150.00 151.00 152.00 May 15100 15150 152.00 15200 155.00 Jul 156.50 157O0 Aug 158.00 158.00 ICED BROILERS (78408 lbs) Aug 4775 4840 47.75 4840 47.75 Sep 42.15 4105 42.15 4100 4235 Nov 38.00 38.45 38J 3830 38JH Jan 39.10 39 25 39.10 39.25 39. Mar 4025 40.30 40.00 40.25 40.00 May 40J0 40-50 40.50 40.50 40.50 Jun 40.50 40J0 d-BW, a-Asked; n-NomtnaL PLYWOOD (49,120 sq ft) Sep 121.50 124.00 121.30 12360 121.70 Nov 12440 12730 124.30 126.50 12450 Jan 128.00 129.30 128.00 12850 127 00 Mar 129O0 130.50 129.00 13050 129.40 Way 131,40 131.20 Jul 130.00 13100 KANSAS OTY (AP) Grain futures Monday on the Kansas City Board of Trade. WHEAT (5400 bu) 12 7 15 12 4 7 1 4 4 123 13 13 3 4' 16 17 23 25 6 6W 4 K4 45 46V 7 8 W4 17 18 11 3 4W 1 3 4 5W 6 22 24 24 18 3W 3 89 34 34 15 18' I9V4 2 13 14 17 45V 47 5 .4 4 5 4 2 7Vi Bi 1' 1 18 2 2 2 4 5 28 30 W' II 14 4V 5 4V 7 3 14' 15 5 14V 15 1 5 4 39 IS MV 9 9V 7 7 7 2 2 2' 2' 3 W7 9V 51 19 20' 16 17 I 28 29V 11 11 12 17 4 5 10 2 3 124 32Vz 33V 20 2 3 8 9 9 10 1 2 2 158 27 28 2 56' 57 1 4' 7 25 3 4 6 9 9 11V 12'j 5 28 29 19 7 8 2 8V 9 WV II 19 3ii 4 15 34 35V 275 28 31 15 3 4V 2 41 43 19 4V 7 2 15' 14 1W 7 8 19 7 8 1 7 4 1V4 17 4 6 Al 256 9 10 139 7 8 44 25 24 30 3 3 6 2 2 2 WW 2 10 II' 25 5W 5' 9 20 2 8V 9 9 9 44 15 14 Z25 17V I8K1 20 I 1 11 SV 4 51 17 181 31 33 192 28 28 29 9 WW 12 4Vi 5 2 5V 4 13 8 8 12 5 5 2 27 23 2 2V 3V4 13 4V 7 4 4 4 48 3 4 3 4 0 3 4 4 5 102 5 5 14 17 t7V 82 20'z 21 5 8 8 93 11 11' 3 5 4W 2 11 1 IV 38 414 5 55 3V 3 34 11 12 3 14 16 1 3 3 20 22 8 91 5 7 8 34 1 2 .11 191 21 IB 1 2 51 17' 18 25 12V 13 14 4 7 1 6 7 25 1 1 13 4 Zl5 43 44V 4 7 4 6V 21 72 29 3W 3' zSO 34VJ 35V 4 4 13 4 4 155 12 13W 12 13 7 9 9 22 711 8 9 28 3 4 38 5', 4' 14 24 24 7 9' 9 19 11W II 3 11 4' 7 6 8 9 2 24' 24W 17 7 8 1 5V 6' 74 8 9 15 4V4 7 88 9 9 19 23 24 4 7 17 12 13 12 3 3V 25 3' 3 10 II 1 9 10 34 19 20 10 4 5 zS 5V 6 1 2 14 14 2 17 18 5 44 46V 5 91 9 4 7 7 2 7 8V 22 2 3 54 11 11 21 9 9 7 10 10 123 17 17 4 7 7 4 4V US 7 71 I 6 7 1 13V 14 9 9 3 3 4 1 7 10W 11 10 11 8 5V 6 17 8 8V 8 8 30 17 18 157 TV IK) 3 WW 17 1 4 7 1 3W 3 8 8W 8 12 13 7 14 15! 20 V4 14 4 5 6 2 4 5W 13' MV 130 30 32 25 12 13 11 4V 7 14 14 14 18 12 12 12 17 18 II 37 38V 11 24 25 47 8 9 1 2 2 9 WV 70 23 2 173 414 4 11 4' 4 13 15W 17 I3W 13 1 6 7 42 10 10 2 3W 4V SV 7 5 4V 13 MV IS' 1 17 17 4 3 3 150 20 20 28 15 15 75 3 4 49 7 3 150 17 13 4 4 18 41 5 288 41 42 5W 4 8 8V 9V 8 8 8 II 12 9 5W 6 3 3 3 3 3 4' 15 IV 1 II 12 24 4 5 10 5 6' 47 3 4 2 22 23 2 24 25 13 2 2V 12V MV 12 13 12 11 11 2 5V 4 59 41 42 42 35 35 4 13 14' 9 10' 74 I IV 22 3 4 22 1 1 4W 4 24 36W 36 15 18 10 3V 3 21 17 18 16 4 5 3 3V 10 7 TVz 4 13 13 73 5 5 4 7 4 9Va WV4 1 10 Coquin Corco Inc Cordis Cp Cornells Cornwl Cotton Pt CotPol wf Cous Pro Crad Ter Craw Co Crost Co Crump Culm Cot Curtice Curt Noll DairQ Slr Dam Inl Dart Org Data Crd Data Don Data Disc Data 100 Datapnt Datascp Datatrn Dayt mc Debron Deds Dat Decor DeKlb Ag Delhi Oil Din Pr Del VaW Delot mt DeLux Denisn Dentally Dento Denv RE Detrex Det CanT Dot Inter Diag Dat CHa Coal Warn Cry Dlam Hd DiaS pfE Dlbrel Br Dlgtal CC Disci NY Disfrlb Dlxn Cru Docutel Dollar Domam Donldsft Donvn Co Dorch Dgnty Dow Jone Dowdle 0 Downe Doyle D8 Ducomn Dunkm Durlron Dorr Dynatctt EDS Nud ESL Inc Eastmet Earn pfA Econ Lab ElPas Elba Syst Chlco Elec Mud Elect Arr ftira Waf Elkm Sm Emersn Emons Energy EnrgyC Enrgy Rs Energy Envlrod Equty 08 Ethan Al Evan mc Exch Bcp Excb OH Exec Ind Extrac Fab Tek Fair Lne Falstaff Farm FJ Farm Br Farr Co Fed Scrw Fedrt Ca Fedrt mc Flngrht Finn Cp Fst Artist Fst Bost Fst Comr FstCm Rl Fst Contl Fst Frwit Fst Mem FstN CM Ft RB Ga Fixstt mi FVckngr Fla Cypr Fla Golt Fia Mng F000T0 A Foodwy Foothl Gr Forest FtWrth Fotomat Frnkm Frasr Mt Fred He Fred H08 Frnd Ice Froze Fd Fuer HB Fulton Nt Funtlme Furrs Caf Garv Hou Gates Vr Gatwy Tr Gelco Fid frelm mt Gen Auf GAutPts Bmdg Gn Care Gn Energ GFinSys GHIth Sv Gn Shale GTel 5pf GUb Asso G4tfd Inst Girrn MS Gtobetr A Godfrey Gold Sta Goukh Gov EFm Greco Grh Mag Grantre Graph Ol Gr Scan Grave Gray T1 Green Mt Gregg Fd Grey Adv Guard Pk Git Enrg Guff mtst Gyrodn HNC JViR hon md Hech Ch Hahn EW HamilrB HernB un Hamilt Hemt mv Harley Harper Harv Ind Hava Cp Heat Tec Henred Hexcel Hick Far Hick Fur Hkjbee Hines Ed HoKyw Homew Hook Drg Hoover Howel Cp Huomgr Huds Pap Hugh Sup Hunt Bid Hunt Mfg HyGam Hyatt Cp Hyatt fit Hydraul Hyster IMS mt IV AC CP ktenfen Hex Cp Imun Sd Imodco IndSq Sec IndMtg Inpls Wat md Fuels md Nudr mtorex Infor mt Info Mag Inst Lab mtel Cp Inter IsIR mterc En mtrcft mtrmt mtl Alum kiBk Wsh mtBkW A mi Rytty mtrpry miersll mvst Grp laBeef wt laSou Uf Irwn Inc JB BigB JMBRl Jame Rlv Jamsby Jas Emp Jerrlco Johns EF Joslyn Justin KDi Cp KMS Ind KRM Pet KV Phar Kaisr Stt KaisSH pf Kalvar Kaman A Kampg A Kan StaN Kapok Tr Kar Prd Kear Tr Kearny Keith Ck Kelly Svc NEW YORK (AP) The fotlowlna list shows the starts ttul IK. Ask Net 1 4 4' 8' 2V 5 4 9 2 8 10 53' -1 34 41 7 3 14 Va 3 in iiv 2 10 5V 2 4'.

4V 12 3Vi 3 11 5 4 30 4Va 14' 7' 2 10V 36 Vi 17' 4'. 21 22 74 23V 17 1 4 Academylns Grp Adctry Ins .15 AmBkrtnsFla .20 ABfcrLfFta AmCaplfol AmComwtth Fin AmFidelLte .08 AmFndrsUfe .20 ArnGoarnty FW AmHerttgeLf 32 ArntncomUf ArntnttGrp .34 AmtntlRem .14 AmtnvstlJte 20e AmNattFlnl 42 AmPioneerCp I AmRelnsur AmReserve Cp AmStatesU AmUndrwrttr .40 AssocMadis 05e BMA Corp .58 BenkrsSecLf 30 Benef NarCp BenefStdA 0 BenefStdB AO CalWsmState .60 CaroCaslty Centennial Cp ChaseNatLf Chespk LI A .24 Chespk Lf .24 Chubb Corp 140 CoastSteCp .27 Colege Univ Colon Lf.Ac .24 ColumbM Natl CombtnsAm ConnGen Ins .94 ContAmUte 1 CottonState Lie Crtterlontns .40 CrurrFrst 1.40a CrumFor pt2.40 OurhamUfe JO ERC Corp 5 Eldorado Gent EmpFirMar most and down the most based on Dtrctnt of duns an tha ovar.Twr,m 8 9 7 9V 7V 9 4 8 tnduttrlal Stocks regardless of vohimt. Net and percentage changes art the difference between the previous closing bid 7 12 117 3 45 1 2 i 5 TAtt 3 3 11 2 10 4' 4 a' Fu mi an pril. I Amex Options jj UPS Pet. Pet.

20 14 17 Oft ,147 Up 20.8 4 1 44 15 5 14 13 Chg Va 3W 45 29 American Exchange Options Option price -Aug- -Nov -Feb- 4 4 3 2 20 3 dose 171 17 13-14 1 9 II 1 18 19 4 5 4 8 9 2 7 8 47 44 5 34 35V 3 9 9 7 8' 9 5 22V 23V 21V 22V 18 14 a 2 2 20 21 4 9 10 4 3 4 2 2 12 13V Open High 193 19S 6V 4 -b 3 3V 1 4 5 5-1 115-1 3 15 71 1 9 36' 15 40 45 50 A AMP ASA ASA ASA Caterp 7V 5W 4.03 414 404 4.14 11-1 2 Sep Dec Mar May Low Close prtv. 3.91V 1921 195 4.02V 403 445 4.12 412V 420 408 448 194 194 Name Energy 2 Seis Delt 3 Vlpont Ol 4 Microfo 5 Southl Eq 6 Mervyn 7 Taco Belt 8 Bk Cmptr 9 Subaru 10 Standyn 11 Ocean Ex 12 Baird Al 13 Sea Pines 14 Nat CSS 15 Hexcel 14 Medcm 17 Ventron 18 EnrgyC 19 Brand 60 91 4 31 4 12 2 5W 40 10 3 3 Caterp 70 3 5 13 5 II 3 7 1 2V 3 Grace 7 Jly Sales: 1155 dig 2 3 IW I Vb Va Hi 1 DOWNS Last 3 15 24 3 4 2W 2 12 13 IW 4 1 2 6 1 1 7 12 41 4 I 7 3 7W 14 I Name 1 laBeef wt 2 EDS Nsd 3 ResO Min 4 Pac Wstn 5 mst Lab 4 Wash Sd 7 AtwdO wt 8 Ag MET 9 CFS Cntl KDI Cp 11 Foothl Gr 12 Scott Lk) 13 Text Pd FstCm Rl 15 Haml mv 14 McGrg 17 Rainb 18 Rey Rey 19 Plonr Wt 20 Homew 21 ADg Bev 72 Lexltron 73 Rapidat 24 Story Ol 25 Wise Cen Last 3 3 3 5 1 28i 13 5 1 T2i 9 4 1 10 1 21 3 2 2 4 19 4 4 5 J) 1-1 Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Oft Off 3-14 7 20.0 20.0 14.2 14 129 W.2 10O tOJ) 8.9 84 83 8.3 8.1 77 7.7 7 7.1 47 6.3 5a 5.5 5.4 54 5.3 wv W- 7 w.o, 104 94 9.2 9.1 83 8.3 -83 1. 11 77 77 7 5 7.1 4.7 4.7- 4.7. 1 1' 4 32 19 74 22' 70 13 22' 2 1 IV 3 3 3 7 21' 22V4 29 38 391 1 1 1 1 2 13-14 I 1 4V 7 4V 7 Grace PhH Ph Searle Searie Stertg Termco Tennco Temco Tiger Tiger Zenith Zenith 55 45 IS 20 20 20 25 30 10 15 25 30 4 4 1 11' 11 18 20 3 4 5 5 5 1 6 4 15 7 8' 18 10 11 2 12i 13 1 2' Earainp 8 9i 34 4 4 4V 13J MVi 4 4 18' IB 3 4 12 12 20 Micron 21 BairdW Cp 23 Adv Mem 24 ArvWa 25 Swedlw jl. 5 1 2 5-14 11-14 2 3 3V 13-141 11-14 Vi 1 3V 1-14 lv Oct- -Jan- -Apr- 3 4 2 2 First Una shows total revenue, second line shows net Income and earnings per 20 25 snare im parerrmesesi.

Aetna Aetna Aetna 5 4 9 10 Latest Year Ago 30 6 7 9 18 18 19 20 4W 5 Local 0TG Stocks American Ka-aiuirenca vm. izno rr) 18V 88 18 20 5-1 1 4 1 1 5 43 45 6 2 3 Mutiny Rates It LUMBER OO0400 bd ft) Sep 129.30 131.50 128.50 131.50 12920 Nov 13340 134.70 132.40 13550 133.70 Jan 141.50 143.20 140.40 14120 Ml .50 Mar 148.80 151.90 148.80 151.90 150.00 May 150.50 15190 150.50 153.90 150.00 Sep 240; Nov 330; Jan la-March 27; May 2. GRAIN SORGHUMS 008 lbs) Sep 447 470 Oct 442 42 Dec 48 468 Sales- Sep Oct Dec 0. NEST-RUN EGGS (2ZSO0 doti Sep 5100 5100 Sales: Sep 0. 1 Potato Markets CHICAGO (AP) (USDA) Major potato markers FOB ihlpping pointt U.S.

)A Friday In 100 sacks: Toxas round reds 540-150; Texas Norgolds 7.00-800; California long whites 6.5O-9O0; Virginia round reds 4.50-500. Cash Grain CHICAGO (AP) wheat No 1 soft red 343n Mondat; No 2 hard winter 341n. Corn No 2 yeaow ll7Vn (hopper) 107vn (box). Oats No 2 heavy white 1.48n. Soybeans No 1 yellow 445a No 2 yellow corn Friday was quoted at 118Vn (hopper) 108Vn (box).

Am Cya Am Cya Am Cya 2 4V 8 4 143 tHlMMX S354I00J7) A PL Carp (year) 5-14 1V14 -b. 24 25 35 2) 21 4 25 30 30 35 40 45 14 7 8 SW6.7W.000 1165,96300 J3.288J(l0).79) 1 2 3 14 5 51 81 13 9 5 8 4 Div. Bid Ask 1 1 Am Horn Am Horn Am Horn Am Horn Beat Beat eraynotind Lints Canada (2nd Qtr) NEW YORK (AP) Money rates tor-' Monday. 1 Prime rate 7-7. Discount rate 4.

Federal funds market rate 4 3-14 Motel 25 26 2 9 9 b. 11890000 iWWlKX) 1 7-1 17 29W 30 Asso Trk AttGas LI Allan Naf Atlnf Pep Allan Sit Arwod Oc AtwdO wf Audlolr Autex Inc Auto Med Aicon Ajtec Mf BBDO mt BalrdW Baird At Baker Bakr Fen Baktw Ly Bally Mf Baitek Cp Bait PntC Bank Bdg Bk Cmptr Bkam Rlt Banta Barb Gr Barden BameH Bam Mfg Basic ES Bassett Bayts Mk Bayly Cp Beard Oil Beck Ar Beehv Beeline Bekln Co Belknap Bengal Bently Lb Bergst A Berkley Ben Lab Bev Can Bev Mgt Bibb Co Big Drm BiLo Inc Bitty Kid BkWVd Sc BioRa Lb Bird Son Blck Hilts BlockD A Blue Chip Bkifd Sup Bob Evan Bohm He Bona mt Booth Nw BostCo Braden Brand Brass Crf Brenco Brenn Pg Brenner Breunr Brinks Brltll Pd Broad Ft Brks Sea Brow Bnc Bwn Tom Brwnmg Brunos Buckb Buckeye Bums RL Bum Sim Burt Hwk Butler Mf CFS Cntl CPT Cp Cabot JP Cafe mc Calboch Cal Micro CaMSv Cal Wind Carnbr Camm Ir Cmpl Tag Campus Cann Mil Cap Alkie Cap Swst Carbom Card Pac Carp Pap Case Cp Cayman Cedar Pt Cencor Cent Mtg CenTel of CenVt PS Centy Tet Chmp Prt dim Pd Channel Chart Rtv Charm Chart Ho Chath Mt Chattm Chef Pier Chemed Oxn Lea Chi Bridg ChrisSe Chur Oi Clnn Fm Circle mc Orcle SI OtznUt A CitznUt dark Mf ClevT Rlt Qevepk Qlnton Oow Cp Coast Cat Cobe Lbs Cobn Opt Coca LA CocaL pf Coc Mia Coca MA Coca Col CocoC Codex Cone Rad Colem A Coin Fds Comm Cp Com Shr Combks Comdlsc Com Or Cornl Sh Com NG Comw Pa Comun Comun Compus Cmpl Aut Cmpt Con Cmp Dim Cmpt Eln Cmp Men Cmp Nik Cmprvn Comtch Comten Concept Conn NG Con 40 41 Conic Eq Cont Hair Cent Wn Conwed Coors 8 9 8 ervnar mc (2nd otr) 9-14 33' Ji. 4 1-14 low, 6 dose. Dealer's commercial paper 30-180 days M4417.000 d-JU14JB0 d-H7794XI 23V Jb. 10 15V 71 7 141 5 9' 480 14 4 7W 7W 4 Hanevtr Insurance Ca (2nd Otr) Commercial paper placed by finance 8 W'A company 30-270 days 6W-4 4 0-168S471 LAC Ltd (2nd Qtr) Bankers acceptance rates dealer dicebons 30-59 days 4-4W, 60-89, 6-, 90-119 days 7-, 120-179 days 7-7W, 180-270 days 7-7.

Certificate of deposit 30-59 days 4-6 '-t. 1 lO'j 11 1 12 12 18 8 9 z72 25 2 5 4 13 4 4V 11 19 174 48 30 31V 8 9 7 13 14 7 4 5 4 5 6 22 22 2 1 17 9 4 9 1 1 2 12 13 2 3 twm lWUm.5) Lift Investors Mc (2nd Qtr) American Agg. SI 14 15 American Con 7s 38 42 American Cont! 2v 3 Carthage Mills. 11 Cambridge Tile 3 3 Clntl Econ. 11.52 20V 22 K.D.1 1W 1 1W Ohrnart .15 WW Rapoca Energy WW 11 Scripps Howard Brd.

11 40 20 21 SperHDrug 1 2 Surgical Appliances. 12 14 Un. Air 03 2V 3W Un. Liberty LHe 4 4 Warner 2 3 Wilson Freight 37 5 6 Williamson i .60 27 29 20 27 28 BANK Central Bancorp S1.30 19 20W Fifth Third 81.70 24 25 First National S1.60 23 24W Indicated annual raft. 4089 days 4-4, 90-119 days 4W-6, I74i 1810X.W) sugar Coffee 17 17 35 11 11 4 14 17W 4 4 7 8 9V4 1 30W 31 71 37 37 264 9 10W 5 11 12W 22 13 MW II 17W 18 48 53 1 14 15 Acmtyra MHnt (2nd Qtr) 179 days 4-7W, 180-360 days 7-7 Telerafe money market Index 4447, 1 down .25 from previous day.

(24,300,000 10,900000 Prtv. rJ0u( 152) 1.07) wucnigan Mamiass tub Co (jrd Qtr) MobGt Mod Mer Modu Cpr Moflui mt Mogul Moiex Monf Col Moore Cp Moore Moore Mor Flo Moran Morg Ad Morrsn I Mtgl Wsh Mos tek Motion Mot Oub Multlm Myert In NRG mc NUS A Na Churs Narag Cp Nath Fa NatBy Pr Com Nat CSS NOala Co NDala Cp Nat Ub Mm Sv SecRsb Nat Utrt Nat Valv Natmv Rl Needh Neutrgn Am Fd NJNat NPlan NY Mag Mewl Co Nlcol mst Nletsn A Nienn Nobilty Noble Aft Noiand Nord Re Nordstr NoCar Gs NEur CHI Nrest Pet Nor St Bn Nortrp Ki NW NatG Norw Fm NwsF Inv NW PuSv Noxel Cp Nuclr Dy Nud Svc OakH Spt OcdP un Ocean Dr' Ocean Ex Ocean OH Oftsh Log Ogllvy Oglby Ohio Ferr OH Shale Ollqear Olym Br Omaha Omni Spe Optel Cp Opt Coat Orban Oreg FrF Oreg Met Oreg PC Ormont Oshmn Otter TP Owens Ml Oxf Pndfl PVO mtl Pabst Br Paccar PacC Hid Pac Fa PacGa Pac Lum PacUn Pac Wstn Pak Wei Pako Cp Pamex Pandk Pr Park Oh Park Dr Pasql Fd Pat At PauIR Pauley Pay Dr Pay Pak Pay Sav Payl Csh Peachtr Peavey Peer! Oi Peerl Mf Penn Cp Penn Va Pa Enter PnzlLa PmlOff Ponrll Cp Pentalr Pepsi BW Perry Dr Petrsn Pelrom Petbbon Phys CM Pic Save Piece Gd Pledmt A Plnkrtn Ptonr Fd Pion HB SE Pkw Wt Pizza Plan Oil Pollu md Polym 31Kv0O0 uimm tMOMmlX) Eggs And Poultryj 5 4 5 NEW YORK (AP) Domestic futures Monday on the New York and Sugar Exchange. Open High Law Close SUGAR NO. (50 tons) No trades. Raw sugar soot 22 50.

SUGAR NO. (50 tons) Sep 20.24 20.35 1940 1940 Oct 19.50 1988 18.90 19.15 Mar 18.90 19 10 18.28 1840 May 18.55 18.70 18.00 1100 Jul 1819 19.35 17.45 17.70 Sep 1810 18.20 17 J5 17.50 Oct 17.95 17.95 17 40 17.40 Murphy OH Ltd (2nd Qtr) 2 24 27V 4 4 124 3 EGGS: Prices paid to country pacVma 11 14 5 5 4 3 10 5 3 3 6 9' M-14 2 4V 4 5 13-14 2 3V 7-14 V5-14 4 Jb. Jb. 2V 3 a 13-14 1 Jb. 51 Jb.

A. 32 Jb. 25 14 IB 20 5 9' 12V 15 J- u. 12' Jb. 8V a 4 SV 7 2 4 5 1 5-14 2 4 9-V4 I 34 Jb.

J. 24 28 9 DVi 13 2 4 1 2 2 4 7 2 2 3 7-14 13-t4 7 3 19-1 21 JL. 3 3 4 11-14 1H4 19-14 Pacific 6as Transmission (2nd Qtr) 20 25 40 70 80 90 100 120 35 40 35 40 45 60 80 90 W0 120 25 30 35 40 45 50 40 90 100 120 MO 15 15 20 25 25 30 35 20 10 15 15 20 25 35 15 28.30 1840 18 J9 18 1807 17.92 13 594,713,000 UlMlMi VJKOXHM Burrgh Burrgh Burrgh Burrgh Burrgh Burrgh Chase Chase Chase Deere Deere Deere Dig Eq Dig Eq Dig Eq Dig Eq Dig Eq Oisney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Disney Du Pnt Du Pnt Du Pnt Du Pnt Fst Ol Fst Oi Tel Tel Tel Gleet GWet GWet Goodyr Goodyr Greyhd Greyhd Gulf Gulf Gulf 0 Hercul Menu Men-II 17 18 18 20 3V 4 2i 2 9' 10' 10 10 17 7 13 TV 21 Htsorn Mm Mas) 4 9 3 125,740,744 J22J98.145 plants for eggs delivered to major Ohio cities, cases included, consumer grades ii dudlng U. S. grades, minimum 50 case lots.

1 Carton Large A 1, Medium A Small A too few to report. Sales to retailers major Ohio cities, cartons delivered: 1 Large A white 70, mostly medi- um mostly POULTRY: Prices at Ohio farms', hjrs' 1 light 4. True tot prices of ready to cook broilers and fryers: Cincinnati M-ATi: Cleveland Columbus too few tort Treasury Statement 62 36 37 Sofas Corp Amtr (t Mos) 39 39 39 48V 48 25 25 52 52' 151 IS 18' 25 25 25 13 13 24 24' 23 23 23 241 24' 241 34 34 34 34 18 18 93 93 93 93 93 93 33 33 33 40 40 40 II31 113V4 113' 113' 113' 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 125 125 125 125 11'. 11 21 21 21 24 24 24i 18 18 13 13 20' 20V 20V 17 17 34 24 24 45 45 45 45 2 24 24 47' 47' 47 47' 34 34 34 89 89' 89V4 30 30 30 24' 24 Vl Wl 59 59 59 59 42 42 42 47 14 14 30 30 30 345,958 5 8V 9 2 4 5 4 21 14O0JOO 4 4 2 2 9 WW 4 4 5 5 sales, bfiid NEW YORK (AP) Frozen concentrate orange uice futures Monday on the New York Cotton Exchange. Open High Low Oott Prtv.

ORANGE JUICE (15408 lbs) Sep 57.50 57.95 57.30 5795 5745 I If 14V Tidewater Mtrtnt Svc Inc (1st Qtr) 4 17 18' 12 11 12 9 1 8 ixmmo 122,100,000 22 I7W 17 83 84V port. 11 union on Canada (t mos) Nov 5925 5980 5920 D59 60 P59.4S 12 2 11 S40JOOWO 139,900.000 W' $4492)0(45) Jan Mar 6130 42.50 4170 42.75 64.50 41.05 b61.40 41.40 42.50 D6265 062.40 4450 R45.30 45-30 303 25 25 ((, -vV Livestock a-Restated b-Adustd for discontinued Jul 64 50 Operating balance 112400400 Deposits fiscal year July I 97,172400400 Withdrawals fiscal year Jury 1 10A449400400 Total debt 533407400400 Debt not subject to statutory HHt 423400,000 Gold assets IU20400400 Operating balance on Aug. 7, 1974 4,494400400 41181 2)v 115 14i 14 9 12 12 14 15 1 5' 6 12 29' 29 29 79 24 25 operations, c-tiefiecls extraordinary Itom. Sates; 225. 2 3' 1 1-14 btd.

Cotton Futures NEW YORK (AP) Cofron No. 2 fu Cincinnati Stocks 3 4 2Vi 5 IV 4 2 2 1 1-14 tures Monday on the New York Cotton 21 21 22 3 3 3 12 13 3 25 25 24 63 65V 4 24 25 4 3 3 4 12 13 17 10W II 4 5 21 4V4 5W 1 7' 7 32 19 20W 4 3 41 Exchange. Open High Low Dose Pray. COTTON, NO. (50400 lbs) 12 2 8' 3'j 14 11 '154 1 2 8 12 3 12 14 d-Loss.

Allegheny Power System (4 Mas) $322,423,000 S226.50S,000 Amtr Blllrttt mc (2nd Otr) $4mooo usmMo APL Corp (Year) SlOtOl $165,91000 thXUmiM) Batca Pete (2nd Qtr) Canadian Pacific (2nd Qtr) A. 1 .0.. 3V 3 4 1 I 2 4V 5V Following are tales and prices of the shores of area-bated companies traded 20 Oct 4907 4950 49.07 4945 49.50 Dec 49.20 49.78 49 20 49.75 49.75 17 Mesa 20 Mesa 25 Mesa 30 1 7 3 Metal Mar 50.71 yesterday on rhe Cincinnati Stoc Ex change. Total of an tharet traded was bond sales, 17 17 18 45 139 14 29V 31 9-14 1 1 Mohia 40 b. 5 May Jul Oct.

5040 51.24 51.70 52.50 52.57 50.05 50.55 5040 50.90 051.20 b51.25 51.50 b51.75 b51.85 52.25 b52.40 b5240 52.49 b52.68 b52.80 51.15 51.50 52.25 52 55 14 11 12' 3V 51 4 1W 1 Net CATTLE: 1500, compared to last Monday steers and heifers .50 to SI lower, cows steady, few sales bulls steady, suppfy 5J7I steers, 20 heifers. Steers: choke 1Q254 1175 lb, 2-3, S45.5O.44.50, 1000-1150 lb; 34," 144.00-45.50; good and choice 900-1150 JbiT 900-1700 J34 5O4I.00; stapoV. ard and good 1050-1250 S33.00-35 SOj standard S28.00-33.00. Heifers: load choice 854 2-3, S4540; choice 775-890 35,, 547.00-4340; good and choice 750-900 lb 2-4, standard and good 600-750 lb, Cows: utility trnv high dressing up to J24.0O; cutter 817.50--' 20.00; earner down to 13.00 Bulls: toad grade 1, 1180 lb, S30.50; 975-MOO S23.002700. SHEEP: 100, spring slaughter lamtlsi' weak, good and choice 80-95 S38.a0.

40.00. NASDAQ SUMMARY NEW YORK (AP)-Mosi active vtr. the-counter stockt supplied by NASD. Name VoKhds) Bk) Asked Chd' 41 4 7 1 31 Dec Stock Share High Low dose Chng 1 Jb. Sales: 1400 4 3 13 13 14V 151 W2.100J)00.58) 48) 4 17 13 15 5W 5 17 I1W 12 17 17 13 Ashland OH 100 Y)'fa -1 CacaCoia Bottmg Co Consolidated (9 Mos) bbid.

Cocoa Futures 30 32 33' 2 3 4 I I 2 uiarnplon Inrl MO V6'n 14V 9 8 NEW YORK (AP) Cocoa futures 1 55 16 17 74 18 19 41 4 8 5 4' 4 TVs 4 5 51 3 3 CGE 983 14' 14' Fed Dept Str 200 44 44 v4 45 88V 88 88V 1 $2,281 .77) Greyhound Lints Canada (2nd Qtr) $24,500,000 $18,900,000 Kevstana consolidated Indus (Year) 10 13 Monday on the New York Cocoa Exchange. Open-. High Low. ClosaPrtv. 17 18' 38 3 3 3V 8 8 CLOSING QUOTATIONS COCOA (30,01) IDS) 14 17 13' 15 3' 4 $337 00,000 $305,700,000 57 7 5 58 95 57.50 58 65 58 31 52.80 5145 52.45 52.90 53.31 2 3 4SV1 11-1415-1 b- 4 Jb: M.

I 2V 1 9 4 4 4 4 67 14 15V Mdntvrt Mints (2nd Qtr) Bid Ask ACHomt 7 debs 39 41 ACI. 5 5V 50 50 5080 50.30 50.65 51.10 51 14 4 19V 21 Sep Dec Mar May Jul Sep Am Exp ..854 $26,300,000 vommo NEW YORK (AP) Spot on ferrous metal prices Monday: copptr 43-5 cants a pound, U.S. destinations) lead 19 cents a pound; zinc 38W-39 cants a ound, delivtrtd; tin, 83.31 a pound, Ntw Yortu gold $162.15 per troy ounce, New York; silver 5540 per troy ounce. New York) quicksilver SMO40 nominal per flask. New York.

SILVER (5,000 troy 01) Aug 495.00 503.50 494 ,50 498 SO 50350 Sep 499.00 508.00 499.00 503.00 506.50 Oct 503.00 512.00 503.00 507.00 510.80 Dec 512.00 521.50 512.00 517.50 521.00 Feb 523.00 529 50 521.00 526.50 530.30 Apr 530.00 538.00 529 50 534.00 538.50 Jun 537.00 547.00 537 00 542.50 547.00 Aug 544.00 554.00 544.00 551.50 555.50 Oct 554.80 562.00 556.80 559 50 56370 Dec 561.00 571.50 NEW YORK (AP) Copper futures Monday on the New York Commodrty Exchange. Open Nigh Law Close Prtv. 3 AO debt 75 4945 50.00 49.55 49.70 50,30 49 30 49.30 49 20 49 20 49.95 48.60 4840 48.60 48.40 49.30 15 14 2 24V 25 2 15 14 Rank Org Yellow $8300)0(352) Mirhiaan Seamiest Tube Ca (3rd Qtr) AFC'VjsW i. 63 .45 4 2 95 518 1 29 14 35' 35 2 35W 3 1 30' 30 II 10 11 1 2W 4 701 557 1 1-14 7 S1 9-14 7 Coors Moirla Motrla Mohia Pttzer Ptner Ptasr Ph Mor Ph Mor Ph Mor Ph Mor Phelps Phetps Phelps Proc Proc Proc St Cat St Cal St Cal lemxt Texaao Texaco Cart) Card Cerb Ob St St St St Witting Westng Wrn Lm Wrn Lm 45 50 40 25 30 35 40 45 50 40 30 35 40 80 90 WO 25 35 20 25 30 45 50 40 70 45 SO 60 70 15 20 30 35 2 2 3' PnzlOff 518 tUOUM.m AFC 9s 6v4 47 6Va 47' Baldwin 9 CinHBell 20 20' a Sates: 720. Spot accra n-78.

n-nominai 9 4 4 5 4 5 Scrtvner Inc (Year) 15-14 1 4 5' 9 8 4' raco oe 13 14 va Nortrp KI 480 14V 15 vs' 4 7 22 5 "35 12 4 44 45 2V 8' 5 4V Pion $3J00XK 2.591 12JCM0O2.l8) 10 WW II 43 73 75 5 CGVE4 50 51 2 14 1 Trust Ga 471 75 25., 409 23 'I .358 30 31 471 CG4.E 7M 79 80 2 21 22 Tampax Debs. 1 15 16 9 II 11' Midwest Stocks WW 11W 6Vi 1 2 4 4 "21 Bid Asked Ytd WOO W0.4 537 1000 .4 4.13 99 31 MX) 3 4 39 4 4 3 4W 242 4J2A ..1820 2 9 3 5 141 32 2 COPPER (25400 lbs) 21 33W 34 Nigh Low Last Cng. 99 20 99 244.81 4 91, 10' 14 13 13 13 58.40 58.50 ,3 5 5 ti 1 Jb. 17 12 4 6' 7 I 2' b. 1 1 2i 15-14 1 7 jl.

I 3 31 1 29 57.90 5770 59 70 471 25 25 57.90 57 70 59.50 60.20 PK Rate 805 735 7.05 4.15 4.05 444 440 4.15 5J0 7 710 870 7.10 Bank Mat 9- 75 10- 75 11- 75 12- 75 1-7 1- 7 2- 74 3- 74 4- 74 5- 7 1-77 4-77 1-78 10 28 lOl' CGAE WIV HM Ckirt MKecron 17' 17 arrnSrkyds 8V 12 Crystal Tissue 17' 25 Oay Mich RRCb OayiMtchRRPfd 38 Dlamondlnfl 30' 30 EacaXtcher 13' jm Early 8 Daniel 125 Mobarf 23V 24 Kroger 20 20V 51 jv I Advances Declines Unchanged Total Issues New highs New lows Total sales (hds) AMCX SALES Approk total stock sales Stock sales year ago Approx total bond sales Bond sales year ago 11 II II 4 4 4 34 34 34 3 5 6 40.30 4040 gPap 42 99 15 99 19 95 99 22 99 2 1M 99 19 99 23 7.09 99.9 99,137.19 8.31 99 3 7,25 Salts 100 CarsPIr Sc 100 Checkr Mt 300 HoHys Inc W0 InMich pf 200 Marhoef 800 Mlckelby 800 OsGokt Sd Aug Sep Dec Jan Mar May Jly 4 5 57.90 5820 60.00 60.60 6140 62.80 63.80 4480 58.40 58.50 60.30 60.80 42.00 43.00 44.00 44540 22 73 1 I I 9 9 40.30 4170 42.40 43.50 3708T' V450400i 1481,300 II 15 15 17 11 11 8 4 4 6 6 4 4 SW 10 42.00 4340 4440 45.00 41.30 42.30 43.40 4450 Wrn Lm 40 38V 38 38 1' 3W 3 22 8 4.50 Sep 99 23 99.257 31 981 99 0 7.87 WO 24 Ml 8 784 97 14 98.0 883 1 16 Total volume I8J72 Open Interest a-fsot traded, None ottered. BONOS 1000 OiMH 4Vs 26 421,001) i 557 SOW 30 Sales: eslimaled 1436. 16 24 1 t-t a 4AI A. I 4 lAltl H. 4kv 1 A if jl I 1 I a.

i. A. iwit Hutu.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

The Enquirer has the highest circulation of any print publication in the Cincinnati metropolitan area. A daily local edition for Northern Kentucky is published as The Kentucky Enquirer.

How do I contact the Cincinnati enquirer? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-876-4500.

How do I report a missed delivery to the Cincinnati enquirer? ›

What Is The Cincinnati Enquirer Phone Number? For inquiries, assistance, or general information, you can contact the customer service team through their toll-free number at 1-800-876-4500. Similarly, if you require general information, the designated Cincinnati Enquirer customer service number is 1-513-721-2700.

Is there a Saturday Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

The Enquirer will cease home delivery on Saturdays, but instead will provide subscribers with a full digital replica of the newspaper that day, filled with local news, advertising and features such as comics and puzzles.

What is the most circulated newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 30 newspapers in Ohio sorted by circulation
1The Communicator NewsColumbus, OH
2The Toledo BladeToledo, OH
3The Plain DealerBrooklyn, OH
4Catholic TelegraphCincinnati, OH
26 more rows

What is the black newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

CincinnatiColored PatriotWeekly
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati CrusaderMonthly newspaper
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati HeraldWeekly
CincinnatiColored CitizenWeekly
59 more rows

Who owns the Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Does the Cincinnati Enquirer deliver on holidays today? ›

USPS Mail Delivery: If you receive your print edition via the US Postal Service, your print edition will be delivered with your mail service. However, when there is no postal delivery, such as federally recognized holidays, your newspaper will be delivered the next day there is postal delivery available.

How much is a subscription for the National Enquirer? ›

One Year: 52 Issues for $139.88 ($2.69 per issue)

Save $171.60 55% off the cover price! Add a Free Gift Announcement Card!

What is Cincinnati most famous for? ›

In the 1800s, German immigrants settled in Over-the-Rhine and started brewing beer—so much beer in fact that Cincinnati came to be known as the “Beer Capital of the World.” Today Cincinnati is still famous for beer and is home to over 50 breweries.

Why is Cincinnati called the Queen City? ›

Cincinnati's claim to the “Queen City”

To the Queen of the West, In her garlands dressed, On the banks of the Beautiful River. This was a reference to the vineyards* in the Cincinnati area that grew in the surrounding hills, and the “Queen of the West” refers to the city of Cincinnati itself.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
2The Asahi ShimbunJapan
4Dainik BhaskarIndia
16 more rows

What media market is Cincinnati? ›

The Cincinnati metropolitan area is a large, three-state media market centered on Cincinnati, Ohio, slightly overlapping the Dayton media market to the north. The Cincinnati market is served by one daily newspaper, The Cincinnati Enquirer, and a variety of weekly and monthly print publications.

Who owns the Cincinnati Herald? ›

d/b/a Sesh Communications (“Sesh”) is the leading African American multi-media publisher in the region. It is 100 percent African American and 51 percent female owned. Our three weekly newspapers are the award-winning Cincinnati Herald (est. 1955), The Northern Kentucky Herald, and The Dayton Defender.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.