Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 13, 1955, p. 10 (2024)

9 the stouffyui wkmi thursday 0ct03er 53 1955 skating club to begin classes on october 18 e skating club i- kyk dkki 1 the iii a m k kkks wagk su v appearance of some former hockey faces is expei new lifemood in stotiffvilies winter sport let shoulders behind the hockey wheel and give tins campaign the support it deserves ted to put put our preseason these craxv nhr player trades since the completion of last winters national hockey league schedule some of the teams have keen selling and trading piay- 5 so rapidly that it is dillicult for the average fan to keep up with it all a few years ago one team would indulge in a player deal in order to strengthen its own club but now it would appear that the strong teams are endeavoring to holster their weaker opposition to this reporter it just doesnt make sense putting such t scheme in a local light it becomes more clear let u- suppose that the stouffville clippers are placed lu a group with orillia well say that orillia has a weak team they are mired in the cellar and are threatening to drop out of the running in ordt to keep the league intact and attract larger crowds coach boh rangay trades or sells hal gibson jack rhodes and chick webster to orillia sounds ridiculous doesnt it take baseball for instance wouldnt local fans think it very queer if coach hob hassard sent lome schell bud lehman and les clarke to xewmarkct in order to make the trioounty league a more evenly matched group impossible you say is it 7 from the outside looking in it would seem that this very thing is happening in the national hockey league etroithaa shifted some of its topnotch stars to its chicago cousins oecause the black hawks for years have been wandering in anil out of the cellar position with little hope of coming up with a stanley cup contender chicago is noted for having the leagues most enthusiastic hockey followers but for the past two or three seasons ihe team has been playing mainly before empty seats why because they didnt have the foresight to arrange an adequate farm system from which to draw new hockey talent such a system of trading and selling good players to weaker clubs will in this leporters opinion do the league more harm than good on thursday night in the opening game of the xhl schedule dhicago stepped into detroit and whipped the highly favored red wings before only 9000 spectators perhaps coach jimmy skinner will regret that the detroit management fhowed so much concern for the floundering hawks and hell be wishing he had some of those socalled castoffs back inhis lineup detroit ran apparently get rid of such a star as terry sawchuk without as much as batting an eye what would you think would happen in montreal if coach toe rtlake suddenly- traded rocket richard to the toronto maple leafs its time the national hockey league officials took stock of their present condition to me it doesnt look good 1 public skatsmg i in the stouffville arena 1 v i 4 v it 5 pm 6 men e its activities for 10556 season on tusday n kgri a d on friday this week i rs accept positi or o president for r vear mrs jaet sand- secretary the direc- mrs ethel mole mr ton v farr mr harold tat- 5 fjoyd forvih and mr i smith is expected club 1 hold their i monday ly ad t riday o each week mr c keii a professior3 mi ovained ci sses at newmarket 1 i to iqo xpe led i oil obfl p layoffs start lions peewee league october 22nd at a meeting of the sports committee of the stouffville lions club or thursday night at the municipal ii oct jral was e as a tentative date for the opening of the i ions pee- wee schedule the final deci sion however or whether the roup will tie nest r pe cotne at meeting for the e during idd will the next oca sei c- vvheth- with the pass election i dicksons hill bylaw in uxbridge cw a few a bylaw was tuesday meeting towasaip author of her tenos recen spent the home of i chapman of a delightful day her aunt m uxbridge th a charming hostess and beautiful quilts the school teacher mrs kiy and the children erjo the holiday last friday -l- premier fro- declared at m im fair in honour u t bar- tjr ten cm passed at trie o ixbridse izink the hold- in of an election or mondav december 5 1355 tlv- noaaination meeting will be held n he town hail at kiwpod rrl to this date on i friday november 25 at 1 pm at the same meeting council authorized- payment of s to the township of scott for their share of the purchase l oews called at th price of a truck to be ussd for h j wufenan home on thar fire sghtlng i kg j da v appearing before council mr and mr ken wall was mr be bo n te con- j enjoying a sh a leamington plowing to w x mr and mrs anthony hoover i hat ovvnshio residents were have been able to visit at the sumpine their refuse in llielhoaies of their family naoielv he estimated that the karl of stquflville mrs ldrnel public skating opens in arena this saturday night ver xr ger v t rennie announced that the firs ilc skating night of the new ison will be on saturday xb ed i he aas rbag required er are t holdiay at the match pleased to report tiia ctt 15th for the srst ntnh i ere w 11 be skkiag a least gokm1ev three times 2 week a regular ledule wi be drawn up and mr ker baker who went published shortly jduck hunting in the xorth bay the ice plant was turned da district over the weekend re- early this week and flooding j turned with two pirieotis jusft ws u commence on thursday how he go his birds mixed w stng will start at s oclock will never khoiv andextend to 1015 required amounted load per week and to be paid for this by bai i this entr apps oximaiei will s wee rd auvj trmedia camp ce sionp it is 12 oys m eight to i cllgble 11 t boy itncd is from 1 extra to one sought council council has been seeking a islte for residents to dtmto garb- jage and authorized the clerk o make an agreement with marshall shatrard for the use if h 1 rooerty 3 a dump a a pr e of s50 per year th tow will undertake to main dump rowenna of gdodj wood and mrs iv- dv-1- tinda ben gilbert hill congratulauons to mrs kenj walker whose culinary skill won a number of awards at the markham fair robert a memj ber of the ml calf club also 1 won a n n clarem0n1 mk funsr varix and on 1 mpii si and be on his a hoover attended be of her aunt mrs kd u who died in toronto s laid to rs- in the and mrs lloyd g wilj ilalssm mrs david duv- i mr david m daw- and j juitt mw kvnii hocke inten t here in stouffville is on the increase an intermediate a entry and more local talent has kindled new enthusiasm among hockey fans here the booster tickets which went on ale only last thursday have to date received tine rapport the 0c admission charge has also received much fav orable comment who said hockey interest here was dead the i n cue uls high school rugby schedule opens this week the stoulfville district high seiioal rugby team opened its ii tersch i schedule this week richmond hill and markham have entered teams in the group the stouffville lineup is as follows quarterbacks don haynesj john lehman half backs frank hendy steve wideman torn mccreight don bruce kd buchanan snaps lawrence widemanj gieh for rester ted jones ends barry wilkes bob stover ron thom pson doit tran bob barnes vincent holm ray cook and glen mowder m tne next five e wi hingto help out leave their name n ith mr ken bstz or i- jim coaches who are export ed to return again this year are messrs kd pawson barry an aus wilkes tiilliard decide girls ball title thursday bill lennox case and your reporter tpacl thai dave hanim ron pefske and john dav be able to help out on 1 as referees in 0 t to m r and 1 mrs w hpring tarn wort go 1 1 ne mr ice of l r held i mrs jridge in ho tour of the i cvvl vweds mr as 1 m rs bruce a 1 oying- 4u over sci vrlv tete tbours ltd f list ieu s a ttencik j i kv 11 tv to 1 ii ml- arm m chu xh cottnei were rot- clippers to hold initial practice this weekend stouffvilles new intermed iate a team will take to the ice for their initial practice ssssioh on sunday afternoon oct 16 from m to 5 pm coach bob bungay is anxious that all local players make a pesial effort to be down at the arena for a proschedule workout the 1955- 06 edition of the clippers will be made up almost entirely of local talent the schedule will get underway early in novem ber and coach barigay hopes to have his team in topnotch shape by that time u i iihd that a i- of prospective rj jurors mult he returned to the is lerk of the pace for york o j county before lite end of this j month for jury service in 1e5g1 assembled from the various sactionsof the county the num ber raquived from wliitchurch township this year will be 120 about half of this number may be required to sit for hearings in high court while tho re mainder of those listed may see duty in the lower courts stouffville cometay she will i ha remembered by many in this j neighbourhood since the van- 1 kant family at one tunc lived ci the farm now owned by mr win rlseborough mr ami mrs roy mover ae- comp tiled mr and mrs 11 widemari and rs on a drive through pari- pf our beautiful province including credit j forks fergus and flora gorge our sunday school observed rituv dav last sunday md attendance registered 103 later durins the service the junior sunday school joined the ad ults and ai appreciated the flancelgraph lesson about no ah given by mrs dickson ry fie of markham who sponsors child evangelism there all members the roy mov er family except eleanor spent thanksgiving evening at the home of mr and mrs warren mover after upper mr c a mcdowell entertained with slides of recent is a short time ago some of the musicians of the community formed an impromptu band with instruments producing strains both long and loud special selections wer plaved in honour of mr and mrskl- wyn kby of ballantrae and mr and mis wiilcrd mover pastor shanty gave a thjuks- ci ihg message sunday even ing to a full house at ml joy the service was under the aus pices of the voting peoples society ami thanksgiving joy pervaded the gospel given in word and song 5tctjffge 1 w rjybti what is nicer thah flowers om th table meat and potatoes on thursday evening of this week peachs and agincourt girls will meet in the third game of their current markham twp ladies league finals each team has scored one vic tory the rubber game will be played under the lights at agincourt the winner will receive the ernie lemasurier trophy neit her club has won the champion ship since the cup was present ed to the group back in lftal cedar grove took it the first year stouffville in 19o2 and elgin mills for the past two seasons for the crucial contest marg smith peachs dependable centrofielder and potent bats man hopes to reenter the line up she is presently training for a nurse in toronto and was forced to miss the opening games of the series marjorie barber will likely start on the mound for the local squad with audrey murison standing by for relief duty dorecn jarvis will complete the battery agincourt will rely on pitch ers marjorie lawrence and ion of this game the 1953 soft- joanne woods to bring the ball curtain will ring down coveted silverware to their after an exceptionally long home town with the complet- season howling all the captains and players in the mens town bowling league are- asked to gather at the local alleys on monday evening oct 17th besides warming up for the coming season the players will decide a number of issues before the schedule gets underway badminton badminton will resume on wednesday oct 19th at s 0 clock in the stoulfville district high school games will be held regularly on monday and wednesday nights the first business meeting will be held on monday oct 21th anyone interested is invited to attend before the days of xray women were the only ones who could see through a man melville booster hockey ticket sales for clippers rolling along vavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxvvvnvvxvvnvvcvxvvvvsvvvvv in an effort to ensure that a hockey team will appear on ice i this year to represent stouff- i hie the clippers hockey team this week launched a drive for the sale of 300 booster tickets j in the district with support of the team withdrawn by the local arena the team has been left on its new 1956 with y 1 ifffrv 21 tv console yxmtfwm tuning now super caseodo chonii powerful world mot giant 21 aluminiied piclura tub whh deep- linled oplic fhter tv control where they belong out front up lop tiltout front preference control powerful 6 x 9 ipeoker new 6ffhertoor cabinet llyltng 95 welnul mahogany or mend ris bnlth tlighrly hightr the maitland u e h neville sons stouffville phone 345 own as far as financial backing is concerned the same problem of dwindling audiences has leen facing many of the arenas in ontario but the local puck- sters- are determined to carry on despite the loss of support already bob bangay has made a generous otfer to coach the team this year with no remun eration the basis of the pian is to sell to 300 fans a ticket which will admit the purchaser and another person to reserved seats for the first ten of the home games price of each tic ket is s10 and after the first ten games the same seats will be reserved for the holders for their use when they pay the regular admission if the need ed support is apparent una team will enter in th inter mediate class a group in this class the team may draw for talent from a large surrounding area hut not from metropolitan toronto they will face teams from wood- bridge brampton oakville milton acton and georgetown to date there has been a good respone to the campaign but tickets are 11 available at ioes real estate les wilson motors the tribune jleii- dricks hardware ken laush- way insurance and oneill s furniture tne money must be r by november ist ihe future of hockey ir stouff- bijc albright mr and mrs malcolm albright nee lil lian riseborough of balsam happily announce the birth of their daughter mary eliza beth at the brierbush hos pital stoultville on friday ocit tthi 1j5 rkksor mr and mrs elmer reesor cnionville rr are thankful to have been given a sen james at the brier- bush hospital stouffville on friday oct th 1953 a bro ther for joanna catherwood mr and mrs sherwood catherwood ux1 bridge are pleased to an nounce the birth of a daugh ter lyimi at the brierbush hospital stouffville on sun day october 9th 1955 a sister for doibert and wavne timbers born to mr and mrs bruce timbers good wood a son donald bruce at the brierbush hospital stou ffville on tuesday october lltih 1955 a brother for linda skdore bruce and dolores sedore nee hicks of mount albert are pleased to an nounce the bitrh of their son at the vork county hospital newmarket on oct s 1955 smith walt and aurelia smith fnee jennings arc happy to announce the birth of their daughter joellen marie at the brierbush hos pital on saturday october s 1955 a sister for janice marie millkr to mr and mrs les ter miller nee edna dike on october 6 1953 at waue- son ohio the gift of a son a brother for rosa wilson mr and mrs john wilson nee mildred fock- ler of claremont are proud to announce the birth of their son david ceorge on thursday sept 29 1955 at the brierbush hospital stou- ffvilie the worlds northernmost coal mines burrow into the bleak mountains of spitsber gen norways arctic outpost only 800 miies from the north pole well the lovely summery weather has brought your mel ville correspondent out of hi bernation lie- a short while anyway isnt this just a glor ious thanksgiving season by the number of cars on our local sldeiouus on monday a goodly number of folks were surely taking advantage of the beauti ful day quite a few of our young folk who have found jobs or stutiies elsawhero wore home for the holiday weekend miss patsv smith of gltolph and miss margie smith who is in train- ins in the toronto east gener al hospital were at the home of their parents mr and mrs alf smith mr peter smith of kingston spent the weekend with his parents mr and mrs j d smith sorry to erport that mr j d smith is confined to hospital under observation for awhile certainly hope he is soon much improved and able to be home mrs stanley powell is an other of our local residents wdio has been a wee bit under the weather hope kay is soon much improved also our verv best wishes for a long and happy married life i arc offered to mr and mrs herb sproxlon nee eleanor reid wdio were married in melville united church on sat urday oct sth eleanor is one of oiir melville girls who has been a faithful worker both in s s and young peoples work and we are certain deserves the verv best rev harold moddle officiated at the service and mrs gleii shadlock of stouff ville was soloist her very charming bridesmaids were miss margaret smith of cashel and miss edna stickley of vic toria square and the twin sis ters of the bride donna and dale reid were adorable flower girls melville wa ladies cater ed to the seventy guests at the reception following the cere mony mr and mrs doug hadco*ck and family spent the thanks giving weekend with relatives in cleveland mr bert gardhouse has been taking in all the fall fairs show ing his cattle and we under stand he is walking off with a nice lot of prizes congratu lations bert little miss martha mulhol- land celebrated her 2nd birth day on october tlh and her daddv dr fred mulholland celebrates on saturday oct 15 but not his 2nd happy birth day fred sunday supper guests at the forresters were chief consta ble clarence and mrs wide- man jim and willa mowbray and bun and dixie and debra sellers it is hoped the whooping crane is psychic in taking an other long look at the future and deciding not to become ex tinct fast shjsir change g to a ip bright new looks for your car has your car got thai roadweary look iet u3 apply a brand new factory methohhotslrayei finish we brighlcn chrome loo honest youll say your old car never looked so good since you bought il new cars made like new fast your local shell service station w g garrett son free estimates taass ihone 265 sbstatasbaeistsaasasssasssa 265 saas oeieccccooc0sr quality service tiff 9 at your service for furnace oil domestic iuel oil space heater oil stove oil and coal oil ihone 4wl or g150s evenings i5w2 better still stop the truck with the big sign stiver bros stouffville headford dump residents of the township of markham lake notice that the headford dump will be open for your con venience on the following dates october 14th and 15th 21st and 22nd no decayed vegetable dead animals birds or in flammable material permitted no old wire please by resolution of markham township council chas hoover clerk and80llvpa lorofosml mlsmoa 1953 monarch custom 4door beautiful two- tone gray and blue automatic transmission custom radio heater signal lights window washers and whitewall tires new ear con dition 1952 austin a40 4door original light beige finish conditionaire heater good rubber econ omical transportation 1951 chevrolet fleetline 2door finished in liht gray powerglide transmission radio heaier priced to sell 1947 ford viton pickup original commercial green finish heater and defroster excellent for light delivery cash trade gmac terms patrick motors oiren eenings till 9 pm phone 372 stoultville



Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 13, 1955, p. 10 (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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