How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services (2024)

(8 pages)

Cash and liquidity have long been considered key indicators of corporate financial health, and the pandemic has confirmed the continued relevance of this fundamental metric. During the crisis, “cash excellence” proved crucial in enabling continued operations for enterprises still early in their development; and as a business matures, it becomes a key lever for releasing capital to invest in growth. Recently, liquidity metrics have received as much focus as more widely publicized measures like operating margins and EBIT.

About the authors

This article was a collaborative effort by Alessio Botta, Reet Chaudhuri, Nunzio Digiacomo, Matteo Mantoan, and Nikki Shah, representing views from McKinsey’s Global Payments Practice.

Meanwhile, underlying trends in digitization and increased investor scrutiny are setting new standards for corporate treasury professionals. Cash forecasting is regularly cited among the most inefficient processes by small and large organizations alike. CFOs and CEOs are seeking partners to help them navigate the shift from reporting to predicting. Solution providers (whether banks or software and fintech firms) able to solve this problem will be well positioned to reinforce or extend commercial relationships.

Historically, bank-provided treasury platforms have focused on core transaction execution central to their corporate relationships. The advent of software as a service and API connectivity has made robust, multifunctional workstations far more feasible; in response, software firms and other third-party providers have grasped this opportunity to create solutions that are gaining ground with corporate clients of all sizes across an array of sectors.

Banks recognize the importance of being close to decisions around core underlying payments, investment, and financing flows that their corporate customers are making. Liquidity management tools—including treasury management, cash forecasting, supply-chain finance (SCF)—are increasingly being embedded into the new generation of corporate global transaction banking (GTB) portals. For fintechs and software players with a focus on customer acquisition and retention, banks are increasingly viewed as an important route to market and therefore potential partners. For their part, banks are clearly motivated to provide broad-based state-of-the-art support for commercial banking functions that generate over $550 billion in annual revenue, according to McKinsey’s Global Payments Map.

Banks face several strategic decisions on this front. They must first determine their desired role in this evolving ecosystem: integrators and orchestrators of a full suite of services, background service providers, or developers of proprietary front ends built in-house. Factors such as geographic footprint, client sector focus, and investment appetite will inform the best path for a given bank.

Although the classic build-buy-partner decision remains relevant, recent years have seen a decided tilt toward the partnership model within the treasury space. Banks and third-party solutions usually offer different functionality and strengths, with all groups increasingly realizing they can exist in harmony. With speed to market a unifying objective, bank distribution paired with software-firm agility has proven to be a potent combination, whether for the white labeling of third-party technology or in scenarios where banks serve as a channel for branded providers of these services.

In this article we’ll explore the evolving needs of corporate treasury functions, and the complex and fragmented provider landscape that has developed to address them. Based on direct input from practitioners we’ll also detail the factors that should inform each bank’s decision on how to proceed in the space, and offer examples of the components of successful bank-provider partnerships.

Evolving needs of the treasurer

Forward-thinking CFOs and treasurers have begun to fundamentally rethink the treasury function, shifting its role from custodian of historical cash activities to encompass a more strategic and expansive approach of “owning” the full suite of enterprise liquidity. In support of this mandate, treasurers are looking for technology platforms offering predictive liquidity and cash-flow modeling. Specifically, they need robust forecast capabilities that incorporate cross-border positions and exposure to various currencies.

McKinsey recently conducted focus groups with CFOs and treasurers of large corporate and mid-cap European firms. These conversations revealed significant pain points in cash forecasting and currency risk, invoice processing, and payment reconciliation. Cash forecasting is considered the least efficient financial workflow by both small and large organizations—in some cases requiring more than a week to gather and compile forecasting data from a variety of formats, causing further strain.

“What most interests me is the possibility to manage my working-capital operations without manual loading of data, specifically for invoice discounting and factoring, and to have the possibility, not only to have a reporting instrument, but also a predictive tool for operations,” was a representative example of such feedback. Another treasurer offered: “We are building a new digital platform, consolidating lots of data into an integrated system, to help us unlock the potential daily processes, improve transparency and access to real-time information, and enhance security standards.”

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Overall, treasurers of large corporates highlighted five primary needs:

  • Timely visibility into all global transactions
  • Eliminating time-consuming and error-prone manual payment-generation workflows
  • Reducing exposure to nonstandardized bank documentation and other compliance issues causing significant delays or confusion
  • Protecting against fraud
  • Keeping pace with industry changes to formats and technologies, particularly in the payment process

These interviews further revealed that large enterprises prioritize seamless integration with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and the ability to make swift decisions (for instance, access to financing, short-term investments) based on underlying cash positions. CFOs and treasurers of these businesses are exploring SCF programs—involving numerous internal and external stakeholders—for an efficient and sustainable approach to circumventing supply-chain failures resulting from financial disruption. Their priorities in structuring a comprehensive SCF program include:

  • Internal systems integration. The typical organization supports several ERP systems across multiple entities, necessitating integration among platforms to allow treasury management systems (TMS) to work properly. A successful supply-chain finance program requires full integration among all data sources and reporting software, enabling the treasurer and other end users to make decisions based on real-time data and analytics.
  • Establishing multi-funder models. Price is no longer the sole criterion for evaluating liquidity financing alternatives; ease of satisfying know your customer (KYC) requirements, credit capacity, and platform design play increasingly crucial roles for treasurers of large corporates. Despite their typically higher nominal price, bank-independent technology solutions are becoming the preferred model given their added flexibility, ability to support a multi-funder model, and often more rapid incorporation of new features addressing evolving treasury priorities.
  • Setting clear goals and objectives. Successful programs require the clear identification of targets and KPIs to create a framework for execution. With various stakeholders involved (treasury, procurement, IT, legal, accounting) the absence of common and measurable objectives can lead to cross-functional misalignment. One treasurer suggested essential elements of a successful program include a negotiation strategy for payment-term extensions, as well as a segmented messaging strategy for various suppliers. The latter point is particularly instructive: within large SCF programs, it is important to coordinate the information coded within a payment transaction based on the platforms employed by each party.

The situation in the small and medium-size enterprise (SME) space is quite different. Particularly at the smaller end of the spectrum, proprietors are less inclined to look to third-party providers for financing and treasury-management solutions, relying instead on bank offerings. Keeping pace with daily operational realities leaves little bandwidth for digitization efforts—in fact, larger B2B buyers are often the drivers behind modernization of smaller supplier partners. Nonetheless, relations between SMEs and their banks are often complicated, with lending terms frequently incompatible with client needs even when products are available. As a result, owners often elect to finance with personal funds or forgo debt altogether. McKinsey’s research identified the greatest SME need to be access to liquidity, access to broader B2B markets (with cross-border funding posing particular challenges), and transaction complexity. While the threat of bank disintermediation is not as imminent for the SME market, the emergence of a compelling third-party proposition certainly poses future risk.

The liquidity management ecosystem: Solutions addressing these needs

In response to these priorities, corporate software solutions are evolving to foster cash-excellence capabilities throughout the organization. These solutions span the full scope of CFO responsibilities and offer different functionality, each contributing to improved cash and liquidity visibility and positioning. In recent years, a number of solutions have sought to address the evolving needs of businesses’ cash and liquidity management—including ERP providers, banks, and third-party software including treasury management systems—and a wider set of players across the liquidity management space. McKinsey estimates annual global corporate spending to be $3.5 billion annually on software addressing the needs outlined in this article.

The scope of these offerings includes (Exhibit 1):


How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services (1)
  • Next-generation approaches to cash and treasury management. Extending beyond basic visibility and forecasting, these generate more accurate multicurrency forecasts, streamline workflows, and enable more robust hedging, financing, and investment decisions.
  • Order-to-cash/receivables solutions. These streamline the accounts-receivable process, reducing days sales outstanding, increase collection rates, and further enhance visibility and accuracy of cash forecasts.
  • Source-to-pay solutions. By simplifying accounts-payable and payments workflows, they generate benefits including reduced fraud losses, payments prioritization for identified suppliers, and increased visibility and accuracy of cash forecasting.
  • Integrated working-capital finance, trading, and investment activities. This suite provides treasurers and CFOs with a wider range of options than previously available, including supply-chain finance, receivables financing, and short-term investment products.

Players and approaches differ by geography: for instance, the US market is driven primarily by third-party software vendors, whereas in Asia the solutions tend to be bank-led. Cloud-based solutions have made these capabilities more accessible to SMEs—even those without a formal treasury department—thereby significantly widening the potential addressable market.

How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services (2)

The 2021 McKinsey Global Payments Report

View the full report

Key success factors for banks partnering with fintechs on offerings

Banks, which have historically not focused on the cash-management software space, increasingly realize that providing at least a portion of this functionality and embedding themselves more fully into the corporate workflow reduces the risk of disintermediation from the underlying payments, investment, and financing flows of corporate customers. Accordingly, corporate liquidity-management tools—including treasury management, cash forecasting, and SCF—are increasingly embedded into the next generation of corporate GTB portals.

Asia–Pacific focus

While the Asia–Pacific payments sector has benefited from extensive fintech activity focused on digitizing small merchants and enhancing overall business efficiency, there has been relatively lighter emphasis on modernizing treasury solutions for large corporates. Such opportunities are limited in part by divergence in infrastructure and regulatory standards across countries (currency convertibility, real-time payment rails, and market access, for example) making it challenging for banks or software providers to create solutions capable of delivering sufficient scale and value for multinational clients operating across the region.

Some banks in the region have taken the initiative to develop bespoke solutions addressing specific client needs, however—for example:

  • Singaporean multinational bank DBS implemented a fully automated real-time payment system for drivers at ride-hailing firm Gojek. This created a differentiating feature recognized by the client as a recruiting advantage. Rather than waiting until the end of the week for payment (as with other taxi firms), Gojek’s drivers can now transfer funds to their bank account after each trip.
  • ICICI Bank’s STACK offering provides customized digital banking services to companies in over 15 sectors, with the goal of facilitating operations across these clients’ entire ecosystem. The Indian bank also established eight “ecosystem branches” to support and expand the rollout of these capabilities across channel partners, employees, vendors, and other counterparties.

Going forward, large Asia–Pacific corporate entities are likely to enjoy features such as dynamic cash-flow forecasting, source-to-pay solutions, and multi-funder models, similar to their counterparts in more developed markets. In preparation, banks in the region should stay ahead of the curve by rethinking their treasury-services strategies. This involves determining which client groups to target (as not all capabilities will resonate equally across sectors), which features are likely to gain the most initial traction with that segment, and whether these solutions are best developed in-house or via partnership with a fintech firm.

Some banks have developed vertically focused solutions with functionality and integrations designed to meet the unique needs of strategically important customer segments. The rise of open banking, the ongoing search for new banking revenue models, migration of services to the cloud, and client demand for integrated experiences are also informing these strategic decisions. DBS has been particularly active in this arena in Singapore; for instance, using APIs and mobile apps to enable real-time payments to online merchants and delivery-service drivers (see sidebar, “Asia–Pacific focus”).

Banks face the ever-present decision of whether to build, partner, or acquire these capabilities. Recent years have seen a material increase in the partnership model, for white labeling of third-party technology as well as banks acting as a channel or seller for such services. This model enables quicker time to market and faster introduction of new customer functionality. Fintechs and software players with a focus on customer acquisition and retention increasingly view banks as a priority channel and an efficient path to market (Exhibit 2).


How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services (3)

In McKinsey’s experience, the following key success factors optimize the potential for bank-fintech partnerships to accelerate their time to market as well as commercial impact.

  • Document a commercial approach determining both ownership and roles with regard to customer engagement. As an example, while initial contact might be conducted by the fintech alone, subsequent meetings will be handled together since customers—particularly large corporations—are seeking integrated product offerings requiring expertise that extends beyond technology platforms.
  • Develop a go-to-market strategy tailored to customer segments. For some segments, fintech tools may be offered as white-label solutions via bank proprietary assets, thereby differentiating the commercial offer from other segments in which the fintech offers its platform as a stand-alone suite backed by a bank acting as a counterparty for execution of payment transactions.
  • Identify and agree on an IT implementation and delivery road map to serve as the baseline from which the bank will develop its commercial campaigns.
  • Establish a dedicated IT-business governance team with recurring meetings to address commercial challenges as well as technology enhancements, potential change requests, or new deployments.
  • Develop internal expert capabilities in the partnership products (likely in product specialist and relationship manager roles) as well as new digital tools the fintech may bring to the table as key assets. When proposing client solutions, these individuals will ask for interactive demo sessions, during which the sales network must possess the capabilities to surf the new platform and manage the end-to-end digital process underlying the new product.
  • Identify KPIs by which the overall partnership will be valued and establish the proper time frame for KPI monitoring and assessment.

Partnership benefits

The following examples give some insights into how established partnerships work to enhance the offerings of both parties:

  • Société Générale and Kyriba joined forces to offer cloud management solutions to their corporate clients. These services include real-time monitoring of treasury positions, payments automation, multibank connectivity, and ERP payment validation workflow management.
  • Citi’s Smart Match product, enabling corporate clients to enhance straight-through-reconciliation rates in cash applications, is powered in part by AI and machine-learning capabilities from HighRadius. The parties formed a strategic partnership in 2018,1“Citi Partners with Fintech HighRadius to Launch Citi® Smart Match Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,” July 12, 2018, helping Citi and its clients to merge disparate pieces of payment data and reconcile payments received against invoices issued more efficiently.
  • DNB’s 2018 strategic channel sales partnership with Kyriba provided the bank with a new set of updated financial management tools to centralize payments, automate workflows, and detect and prevent payments fraud in real time for more than 220,000 corporate clients. These cloud-based services also address the need for stronger compliance and data protection required by evolving government regulation.

Banks are motivated to provide broad-based state-of-the-art support for commercial banking functions that generate over half a trillion dollars globally in annual revenue. They remain in a sound position to determine their role in serving these clients going forward. Although buy and build remain valid alternatives, in most cases a partnership approach enables banks to introduce new products and functionality more rapidly in an environment in which time to market is critical.

To successfully manage partnerships with fintechs and capitalize on their opportunity to play a leading role in the redefinition of treasury services, banks need to enhance a variety of internal capabilities ranging from sales management and product evangelism, to robust commercial and IT governance, and effective go-to-market strategies.

Read the next chapter in the report, "Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business."

Alessio Botta is a senior partner, Nunzio Digiacomo is a partner, and Matteo Mantoan is a specialist, all in McKinsey’s Milan office. Reet Chaudhuri is an associate partner in the Singapore office, and Nikki Shah is an associate partner in the London office.

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As an expert in the field of corporate finance and treasury management, I can provide you with valuable insights on the concepts mentioned in the article you shared. My expertise is based on years of experience working with various organizations and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry.

Cash and Liquidity as Key Indicators of Financial Health

Cash and liquidity have always been considered crucial indicators of corporate financial health, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized their importance. The ability to maintain sufficient cash reserves and effectively manage liquidity has proven to be essential for businesses, especially those in the early stages of development. As companies mature, cash becomes a valuable resource for investing in growth opportunities [[1]].

Importance of Cash Excellence and Liquidity Metrics

During the crisis, "cash excellence" played a vital role in enabling businesses to continue their operations. This term refers to the effective management of cash flow, ensuring that there is enough liquidity to meet financial obligations and sustain business activities. Liquidity metrics, such as cash forecasting and supply-chain finance, have gained significant attention alongside more traditional measures like operating margins and EBIT. These metrics provide insights into a company's ability to manage its cash position and navigate financial challenges [[1]].

Digitization and Investor Scrutiny

The article highlights two underlying trends that are shaping the corporate treasury landscape: digitization and increased investor scrutiny. As businesses embrace digital transformation, there is a growing need for technology platforms that can streamline treasury processes and provide predictive insights. Cash forecasting, in particular, has been identified as one of the most inefficient processes for organizations of all sizes. CFOs and CEOs are seeking partners who can help them transition from reporting historical data to predicting future cash flows [[1]].

Evolution of Treasury Platforms

Traditionally, banks have provided treasury platforms focused on transaction execution. However, the rise of software as a service (SaaS) and API connectivity has opened up new possibilities for creating robust and multifunctional workstations. Third-party providers, including software firms and fintech companies, have capitalized on this opportunity by developing solutions that cater to the diverse needs of corporate clients across various sectors [[1]].

Integration of Liquidity Management Tools

Banks are recognizing the importance of being closely involved in their corporate customers' core financial activities, such as payments, investments, and financing flows. To strengthen their relationships with clients, banks are embedding liquidity management tools, including treasury management, cash forecasting, and supply-chain finance, into their global transaction banking (GTB) portals. This integration allows businesses to access comprehensive financial services from a single platform [[1]].

Strategic Decisions for Banks

Banks face strategic decisions regarding their role in the evolving ecosystem of treasury services. Factors such as geographic footprint, client sector focus, and investment appetite influence the best path for each bank. Some banks choose to be integrators and orchestrators, offering a full suite of services, while others prefer to focus on specific areas or develop proprietary front ends. The decision to build, buy, or partner with third-party providers depends on each bank's unique circ*mstances and objectives [[1]].

Evolving Needs of Corporate Treasury Functions

Forward-thinking CFOs and treasurers are redefining the role of the treasury function. Instead of solely focusing on historical cash activities, treasurers are taking a more strategic approach by "owning" the full suite of enterprise liquidity. To support this shift, treasurers require technology platforms that offer predictive liquidity and cash-flow modeling. These platforms should have robust forecast capabilities that consider cross-border positions and exposure to different currencies [[1]].

Pain Points in Cash Forecasting and Currency Risk

McKinsey's research has identified significant pain points in cash forecasting and currency risk for large corporate and mid-cap European firms. Cash forecasting, in particular, is considered the least efficient financial workflow, often taking more than a week to gather and compile data from various sources. Treasurers expressed the need for tools that can manage working-capital operations without manual data loading and provide both reporting and predictive capabilities [[1]].

Primary Needs of Large Corporates

Based on interviews with treasurers of large corporates, five primary needs have been identified:

  1. Timely visibility into all global transactions.
  2. Eliminating time-consuming and error-prone manual payment-generation workflows.
  3. Reducing exposure to nonstandardized bank documentation and compliance issues.
  4. Protecting against fraud.
  5. Keeping pace with industry changes in payment processes [[1]].

Structuring Comprehensive Supply-Chain Finance Programs

Large enterprises are exploring supply-chain finance (SCF) programs to mitigate supply-chain failures resulting from financial disruptions. Successful SCF programs require internal systems integration, establishing multi-funder models, and setting clear goals and objectives. Integration among various ERP systems is crucial for effective treasury management. Additionally, treasurers need to consider negotiation strategies for payment-term extensions and develop segmented messaging strategies for different suppliers within SCF programs [[1]].

SMEs and Their Banking Relationships

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have different needs compared to large corporates. SMEs often rely on banks for financing and treasury management solutions, as they have limited bandwidth for digitization efforts. However, the relationship between SMEs and banks can be complicated, with lending terms frequently not aligning with client needs. Access to liquidity, access to broader B2B markets, and transaction complexity are the primary needs of SMEs. The emergence of compelling third-party propositions poses future risks for banks in the SME market [[1]].

Solutions for Cash and Liquidity Management

To address the evolving needs of businesses in managing cash and liquidity, various software solutions have emerged. These solutions cover a wide range of CFO responsibilities and offer different functionalities to improve cash and liquidity visibility and positioning. Examples of these solutions include next-generation cash and treasury management platforms, order-to-cash/receivables solutions, source-to-pay solutions, and integrated working-capital finance, trading, and investment activities. The global corporate spending on software addressing these needs is estimated to be $3.5 billion annually [[1]].

Partnership Model for Banks and Fintechs

Banks are increasingly partnering with fintech companies to enhance their cash-management software offerings and embed themselves more deeply into the corporate workflow. This partnership model allows banks to introduce new products and functionality more rapidly. Key success factors for these partnerships include documenting a commercial approach, developing a go-to-market strategy, establishing IT implementation and delivery roadmaps, and enhancing internal capabilities in sales, product expertise, and digital tools. Successful partnerships have resulted in enhanced offerings for both banks and fintechs [[1]].

Asia-Pacific Focus

In the Asia-Pacific region, there has been a lighter emphasis on modernizing treasury solutions for large corporates compared to fintech activity focused on digitizing small merchants. However, some banks in the region have developed bespoke solutions to address specific client needs. These solutions aim to facilitate operations across clients' entire ecosystems and provide real-time payment systems, customized digital banking services, and other innovative features. Banks in the region should rethink their treasury-services strategies to stay ahead of the curve and meet the evolving needs of large corporate entities [[1]].


The article you shared provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of cash and liquidity management in corporate finance. It highlights the importance of cash excellence, the needs of treasurers in large corporates and SMEs, and the emergence of software solutions and partnerships between banks and fintechs. By understanding these concepts and trends, businesses can enhance their financial health and make informed decisions regarding their treasury functions.

How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services (2024)


How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services? ›

In “How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services,” we examine the emergence of white-label treasury- as-a-service solutions, the digitization of corporate payments, and the options that banks have in this evolving ecosystem to defend and extend client opportunities.

What does Treasury services do at a bank? ›

Products: The Treasury offers customers risk coverage and investment solutions for the most simple to the most complex products (structured products) and for all kinds of financial assets – generally fixed income, interest rates, equities and exchange rates, and in some financial institutions, also commodities.

What is the function of the treasury services of an investment bank? ›

Treasury services is a function of an investment bank which provides transaction, investment, and information services for chief financial officers or treasurers.

How can treasury operations be improved? ›

Standardise. Standardising treasury operations involves establishing uniform processes, policies, and data standards across different business units and geographical regions. This promotes consistency and simplifies operations.

What is transaction banking services? ›

In brief, transaction banking – which is sometimes referred to as transactional banking – is defined as the banking services which facilitate the safe transition of money from one country to another, as well offering risk management services, cash flow management assistance and security services aimed at improving ...

What are the advantages of using treasury technology in treasury management? ›

  • 7 Tangible benefits of using a treasury management system. ...
  • Time Efficiency. ...
  • Reduce Costs. ...
  • Reduce Errors. ...
  • Full and accurate Audit Control. ...
  • Detailed & Actionable Insights. ...
  • Bank provider flexibility. ...
  • Compliance & System standardisation.

What services does the treasury provide? ›

The Department of the Treasury manages federal finances by collecting taxes and paying bills and by managing currency, government accounts and public debt.

What are treasury transactions? ›

To understand the concept of treasury, consider it as the financial equivalent of managing your personal cash flow, but on a larger scale, involving organizations such as corporations, governments, and nonprofits, with dedicated teams of professionals handling numerous daily transactions.

What are 5 things the Department of treasury does? ›

Supervising national banks and thrift institutions; Formulating domestic and international financial, monetary, economic, trade, and tax policies; Enforcing Federal finance and tax laws; and. Investigating and prosecuting tax evaders and assisting in the investigation of counterfeiters and forgers.

How much does a treasury management system cost? ›

Average costs for building a custom treasury system vary from $400,000 to $1,000,000+, depending on the solution complexity. Use our free calculator to estimate the cost for your case.

What is the most basic functions of treasury management? ›

The primary goals of the treasury management function are to ensure that the organisation has enough funds to meet its needs. Furthermore, these objectives include reducing financing costs and maximising return on investment.

What is the difference between finance and treasury department? ›

The key difference between treasury management and financial management is that treasury management focuses on the management of an organization's short-term liquidity and financial risk, while financial management focuses on the management of an organization's long-term financial performance and strategy.

What should be the working strategies for an efficient treasury department in banks? ›

Treasury departments should implement a liquidity plan to properly manage cash flow and ensure business continuity. A liquidity plan considers cash flow needs for the medium- to long-term and includes investment, borrowing, and hedging strategies.

What does a good treasury function look like? ›

This involves making sure the business has the capital it needs to manage its day-to-day business obligations, while helping develop its long term financial strategy and policies. You'll do this by focusing on how and where to put money – while managing any associated risks – to add value and drive business success.

What is a treasury strategy? ›

This basically means that cash raised during the year will meet the cash spent. Part of the treasury management operation is to make sure that this cash flow is properly planned, with cash being available when it's needed.

What are the trends in transaction banking? ›

One of the most significant trends in transaction banking is the rapid adoption of real-time payment and settlement features. Traditional payment methods often involve lengthy processing times, but with real-time payments, funds are transferred instantly, enabling businesses and individuals to access funds immediately.

What is the difference between the treasury and the Central Bank? ›

The U.S. Treasury is best known for printing money (literally) and offering economic advice to the President. The Federal Reserve is the U.S. central bank, ensuring lenders and borrowers have access to credit and loans.

What banks does the US Treasury use? ›

Treasury's operating cash is maintained in an account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and in Tax and Loan accounts at commercial banks.

What is treasury transformation? ›

Treasury transformation refers to the definition and implementation of the future state of a treasury department. This includes treasury organization & strategy, the banking landscape, system infrastructure and treasury workflows & processes.


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